Chapter Eight

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Amity's POV

I woke up feeling warm, 'Shit must've fallen asleep..' I thought as I opened my eyes, I felt arms wrapped around me. I noticed Luz's sweater Infront of me, and then Luz herself. 'W-were we cuddling?-' I felt me face grow warm, my heart racing, suddenly I felt her pull me closer. 'Must be my lucky day!' I thought as I smiled, pretty much I couldn't believe what was happening right about now.

Luz stirred awake, "Ami..? You up.." She yawned looking down at me, I snuggled into her chest. "I guess that's a.." She paused to yawn, making a little accidental meow/yawn noise. "a yes.." she said finishing her sentence, Luz let go of me and got off the couch, of course, me being me, I made a whine noise to let her know I still wanted cuddles. She looked back at me, I gave her puppy eyes which I knew she could never turn from.

Luz's POV

I heard Amity whine, my heart! I felt so bad for leaving our cuddle session, but we have school today.. "A-Ams we have school." I said trying to not seem affected by the puppy eyes, "I know but it's Friday!! Can't we stay home? Please?" I heard Amity say, "Ami, your parents will freak out." I'd say walking back over to her and booping her on the nose, and with that Amity tackled me to the ground like a dog and hugged onto me.

'Ah, I completely forgot she was one third werewolf.' I thought as I scratched Amity behind her ear, she got off. "S-sorry Luz!" She said flustered, "It's fine, let's get ready." I smiled, She nodded with disappointment and went to go get her stuff. Before she left I grabbed her shoulder, She looked behind her, making me notice that Amity was a lot shorter than I thought.. Amity looked up at me, she seemed to be.. Mad? She was a little red, well, a lot actually.

"We can cuddle more later." I said with a smiled giving her a small kiss on the forehead as a sorry just in case she was mad, as I walked away Amity was frozen in place. The smile that grew on her face was quite cute, she then squealed in victory like she just saw Azura and Hecate kiss in the movie. ( If y'all want I can write a story on the movie, not many Azura books on Wattpad :C ) 'Man she must really like cuddles.' I thought as a shrugged it off and went to go get ready for real this time.


Luz and Amity were finally ready to go, Eda let them walk since it was pretty early for the oldest witch to be driving a staff, especially if that old owl lady was tired. The two were talking and walking, "And then I saw this big monster! Turns out "Prince Nevareth" was just a puppet! And then I fought him with my trusty toy sword, after the monster shrunk and Eda ate him." Luz said throwing her arms up in the air for dramatic effect, a little bit of glitter.

"Woah! You are so brave luz, Eda is a little weird for eating him but cool! Also do you always have glitter on you?-" Amity responded, staring at the thrown glitter. "Yes, Yes I do." The human said, beaming with pride. The mint haired witch smiled, soon laughing, this caught Luz's attention. The latina's heart began beating faster and her stomach filled with butterflies, 'I remember this feeling..' Luz thought as the flash back of yesterday played from when Amity asked to cuddle.

Luz softly smiled as she looked at Amity who was trying to control her laugh a little bit, "You're so funny Luz." The minty haired girl spoke, finally controlling herself and smiling. This made Luz blush, the sight of Amity's smile made her fly. 'I think I love you Blight..' The human wanted to say her thought but stopped herself, "Thanks!" Luz responded instead of what she wanted to, this gained a chuckle from the youngest Blight. 'Oh my god! I'm in a rivals, to friends, to lovers thing!' the latina cheered inside herself, she smiled at the thought, but then her brain stopped. 'Oh wait... I love Amity Blight!'

Yay! This chapter is done! This took me so longggg! Also I legit am posting this at midnight lol, anyway have a great day!

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