Chapter Seven. You don't anger a 'Rice' woman

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Chapter Seven.


 I woke to the sound on a voice, as I woke a little more and listen harder the voice got clearer.

"But the cookie told me to" the voice muttered. I blinked a few times and looked over to the side of the bed where the voice was coming from. There on the side of the bed was James lying on his back with the blanks pooling around his feet and scrunching his face up in his sleep. I had to hold in a giggle as I realized he was sleep talking.

"Sami *mumble, mumble* stop hurting *mumble, mumble*" I could tell by the look on James face his dream was not a pleasant one. I reached over the almost none existent gape between us as we had ended up closer then what we had started last night when I fell asleep.

"Ummm....James?" I said lightly tapping his shoulder, James stirred slightly, but didn't wake

"James? Hey wake u-" I was cut off as James bolted up right in bed and with his hands roughly pushed me away so I ended up toppling off the bed and landing with a nice bang on the floor.

"Oh come on!" I hissed as I rubbed my back side glancing up to glare at a shocked and half asleep James.

"Sorry...what are you doing...?" he trailed off looking from me to the bed. I huffed and rubbed my throat glad that the sand paper feeling from last night had eased slightly. I stood from the floor and glared at James ignoring his question.

"You Need to apologies! You knocked me off the bed! Your! you're so infuriating!" I yelled stomping my foot.

James lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes before resting back in his bed slightly yet still looking more alert. James pulled the blanket that was tangled around his feet back up to his waist and snuggled his way back into the pillows. Not seeming to mind as I glared and seethed in silence.

"James...?" I said after a while. No answer.

"James....?" I said slightly louder. His only movement was to yawn and turn his back to the side of the bed I was to.

"James!" I stated marching over to poke him in the shoulder

"Night Millie" said James in a sleepy murmur, snuggling even deeper into his bed. I was infuriated at this point yet I had to resist the want to smile, fighting with James was a lot of fun...almost as much fun as making out with him last night...not that I would ever admit that to anyone, EVER!

"James South! Get your ass out of bed this instance and-" yet as I hit his back lightly with each word I never got to finish as his bed room door was flung open bringing in an uncomfortable light that James's light material curtains slightly kept out.

A  man who looked to be in his late thirties with black hair yet gray starting to show at the sides and random strands of the same gray throughout his hair. He wasn't even looking into the room just had pushed it open as he stumbled passed "Hurry up Samantha!" hissed the man as he walked past the door never even looking into the room, but yelling over his shoulder and then walking toward the kitchen.

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