Chapter Tweleve. Your so infuriating, but I like that.

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Chapter Twelve. Your infuriating, but I like that.

Millie’s P.O.V.

I have always been a winner... I mean just like my dad, I hate losing. I’m just too competitive. That’s one of the reasons I chose this little idea of going to the beach. I knew James and I knew he thought I was hot because he called me beautiful when we were making out in the garage one time...but right back to my point here, I knew he liked my body and I thought parading around in my sexiest bikini on the beach would be a great idea...but there was one thing I over looked in my planning... James.

I was digging my hands into the sand trying to not show any emotion or interest on my face as he shrugged out of his white shirt and then placed it next to his towel before he stood next to me. The early morning sun rising over the ocean could barely keep my eyes away for more than a few minutes as my traitor eyes kept drifting over to his tanned skin.

“Are you going to go swimming in your clothes?” James asked as he stood waiting for me to go and join him in the surf.

“Don’t be such an idiot...I was just looking at the sunrise,” I said stubbornly as I stood up letting my now loose hair fall in front of my face to hide my blush. It was completely obvious I was not staring at the ocean.

“Sure, sure,” James said with an adorable crooked grin on his face.

“Shut up,” I huffed as I shuffled out of my tight short shorts to reveal my black bikini bottoms with a frill lining the top. I pursed my lips as I flipped my hair over one shoulder and without looking at James pulled my singlet over my head and to my deep satisfaction I heard James let out a frustrated sigh as my matching black bikini top came into sight giving him an excellent view of the excellent cleavage that god gave me...ok so maybe the bikini did help....

I finally looked to see James looking me over with a frown on his face and a greedy look in his eyes. I was smirking when he finally looked up to meet my eyes.

“You don’t play fair,” he muttered with a pout causing me to chuckle. I walked past him letting my hand reach up and trail from one shoulder across his chest to his other shoulder as I walked toward the beach. I looked over my shoulder never letting my gaze drop from his until after I spoke.

“Race you to the water?” I asked with a wink and a chuckle, then turned and sprinted off toward the wave-less ocean not having to worry about running into anyone because little did James know this was my private beach. Dad got it for me on my 13th birthday because he didn’t want ‘any perverts to be looking at his little girl when she is at the beach.’ No joke, he actually said that.

“Got you.” I heard just before I was picked up into James’ arms. He kept running into the water until he threw me and followed after with a dive into the water.

I came up wiping the water from my eyes and looking out for James....I couldn’t see him anywhere.

I kept turning in circles waiting for him to come up out of the water, or swim over to grab my ankles...but after 30 seconds still nothing...

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