Author's Note: Freak out big time

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Ok so I just had a major over reaction in which I was going to end this story but I had some chocolate and took a few deep breaths then started to freak. I will NOT let some BITC....ahhh let me explain.

The reason I have yet to upload is the fact I have been chasing a girl who has been uploading “A Good Girls Revenge” all over multiple different story sights as her own work, yes the same girl, I had contacted each story sight and not only got my story deleted off the sight but got in contact with the girl and told her if she ever plagiarised me again I would sue her. If you’re reading this I hope you know I feel so sorry for you that you have no creativity and nothing better to do then steal people’s hard work. Story whore!

Anyway just giving a shout out to ally123 whose comment made me realize I shouldn’t stop because of one silly girl.

So I should be uploading more regularly and I will beat my fear of plagiarism! If there is an actually phobia name for plagiarism I would so use it but I couldn't find it on Google so I guess it doesn’t exist. Hahah

Anyways sorry for freak out....

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