Chapter Two. Threats are my thing lady.

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love wishingc

: )


Chapter Two. Threats are my thing lady.

How a parking spot could exile me into living hell for my last year of high school you ask? Two words: James South.

Did I know that I wasn’t meant to park there? No

Did I know that god must have something against me? Yes.

I was currently sitting in my first class of the day: English. Now I love to read, and not just sappy teenage romance either. I love to read horror, fiction, autobiography’s, text book, fantasy, teen fiction…hell I liked to read the warning labels on cleaning products, but I wasn’t one of those people who constantly had their head in a book. I was just one of the rare teen’s who instead of watching TV, like to sit down somewhere nice and quiet to read, so overall I was a little excited for English. Well I was until I found out I had to sit in the same group as James…the same James who scratched my car.

See, this is how it happened, the teacher asked if I wanted to introduce myself; I told her no. Yes, I know it was a rhetorical question she asked, but really I didn’t want to talk about myself in front of a bunch of people who probably wouldn’t care if I told them who I was or not. The teacher then proceeded in telling me that as I’m three weeks late into the year this semester's groups for the assignment have already been set, but lucky me, there was one group with only three people that I could join to make it a group of four like the other five groups in the class.

So that’s how I ended up sitting on the opposite side of a four person desk from the jerk I swore my revenge on. What makes it even better is that this semester's assignment is all about the romance books…anyone say awkward? After about twenty minutes blabbing on about the assignment, the teacher then told us we had the rest of class to choose a book that the whole group had to read. Throughout the teachers rambling I looked around my group trying to sort out if I could get along with these other two so I could pass English this semester.

I noticed the girl to my right; she had a thin yet tall frame and her complexion was somewhere between a creamy tan and a light brown. She wore black pumps, ripped stockings with a tight black material skirt that only just covered her butt, a band shirt, nose ring. Her hair, just above shoulder length, was a pixilated cut and an obviously natural black hair color. She had her iPod in one ear and was talking to the other guy in our group with a friendly smile in a quiet whisper so the teacher wouldn’t catch her.

The other guy in our group wasn’t as tall as James, but he was still taller than me. He was thin, but you could still see some muscles going on. He was very tan and his eyes where a deep butterscotch color. His shaggy brown hair wasn’t even as long the girls, but it was still long enough that the boy kept flicking his hair to the side. He wore dark denim jeans, a plain hooded tee-shirt and vans, just like mine. After taking in their appearance and the way they seemed so at ease with the glare James was giving me, as if they were used to it, I realized that they must be his friends and that they had no idea it was me who gave James that monster bruise right under his chin.

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