Hikari's Appearance / Explanation

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Hikari's Appearance
  Hikari has shoulder blade length dark brown hair that she keeps back in a loose braid. Her hair isn't shaved back like the other Air Nomad girls. She has brown/gray eyes. She's a master airbender, so she obviously has the blue airbender tattoos.
  She has the same outfit as Aang. Her glider's wings are yellow instead of orange. She is slightly taller than Aang (just slightly).

Double Avatar Explanation/Side Effects
  Because she and Aang are identical twins, the avatar spirit was split between them, linking them more than normal twins.
  Because of that link, when one of them goes into the Avatar State they both do, even if one of them is perfectly fine.
  When they are in the Avatar State their bodies, minds, and souls are connected, so if something happens to one, it happens to both.
  Their link connect their minds, allowing them to  have telepathic conversations, speak at the same time, sense where each other is, and feel each other’s emotions.

  I might add on to this, but this is the basics of what I came up with I hope it made sense. Thanks for reading!

Origin out!

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