Secrets REVEALED (Saphira pov)

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Throughout the whole fight my wolf wanted to take over and show him who's alpha. but if i do he will be badly hurt and i won't allow that to happen so i have to put an end to this soon. after a few minutes people start to watch our fight hoping that it will nd with a victor this time. i could feel him as he steps into the room with my dad. i got onto James back i couldn't help to a say "giddy up horsey!! " after i did that i decided to end it with me sending him across the room.

My dad comes up to congratulate me on my win. When I was talking to him i felt eyes on me and turned around and saw that it was him. He looks into my eyes and grasp. I turn to my dad

"Dad are my eyes okay? "

"Oh no, your eyes are purple. Was your wolf fighting out there? "

"Yes she wanted to go alpha. "

"That must be why. Have you talked to anyone or looked at anyone?"


"Who sap?"

"I just glanced at alpha gray and he kind of gasped at me."

"Go get changed, don't look at anyone then meet me at my office. Okay."

"Yes sir, see you soon. " i say as i run out of the room to my room.

On my way to my room i was wondering what my dad was going to say to alpha gray. I haven't even learned his name. When i finally got to my room i took a shower and got in green shorts and white tank top. I then headed to my dad's office. I walked in and alpha grey sat in one of my dad's chairs.

             Alpha Gray

When she left her father came over.

"Alec may i see you in my office, " he said with a strained voice.

" Sure, but what for? "

" I need to talk to you about something but we must wait for someone," he said looking very nervous all of a sudden.

" Who are we waiting for? "

" I can't tell you until they reveal themselves."

"Okay, lead the way. " I was now on high alert.

We were sitting there in silence for 15 minutes before the door started to open. Then in walked Saphira, who looked at me in confusion.

" Farther, Alpha," she said downing.

" So I suppose you're wondering why you're both here? "

" Yes," we both said.

" Honey will you please shift?"

"No, you remember what mom said about this."

When said it  his face pained. "I'm sorry daddy i didn't mean it like that. "

" I know but he is different he is supposed to protect all shifters," when he said this I was totally confused as to what was going on.

" Will you oath NOT to tell anyone about anything that happens in this room?" Saphira said making me more confused.

(Just trust them.) " why?" (You will see.)

" I Alpha Alec Grey do oath never to reveal what happens in this room, " with that I bit m6 hand as Saphira did.

" I Saphira Davis soon to be Alpha accept your oath, " with that we shook her hand. When our bloods mixed there was vap of power that ran up my arm.

" Now SHIFT Saphira, " with the command from her dad she takes a step back and shifts.

When she was done there stood a wolf bigger than a Alpha.  But the thing that drew me was her silver and white fur. Why are they showing me this? All I would do is question why her eyes were different.

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