Extreme Traning

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While I was in the bath Xavier was laying down on my bed. I kept the door open so that we could talk and he could hear me when I needed to get out. All we talked about was random things and argued about who was right on the things we did agree on. When I was ready to get out I drained the water and covered my front with a towel. With the towel covering all my important bits I called him in.

He lifted me up and walked us to the bed, where he laid out some of my clothes with under garments. I kept my towel on me when he started to help me get my panties on and pulled them all the way up. As he put my top over my head I pulled the towel away and he helped me shimmy my shorts. When we were done we got into bed, pulled the blankets over us and snuggled together.

Goodnight brother, I said as I let out a yawn.

Night little sis, that was the last thing I heard as I was consumed by darkness of sleep.

The first thing that was on my mind was the sensation to pee like really bad. As I tried to get up there was an arm constricting me around my waist. I followed the arm and it led me to Xavier, when I saw his sleeping face I felt the need to poke it. So before the thought fully formed my hand was already raised and poking in the cheek. As he went to swat it I tried to roll out of his arms but it was already back around me before I got up.

For goodness sake Xavier, if you don't remove your arm you wont have one. He slowly moved his arm, right when it was cleared of me I was up and running to the bathroom slamming the door. Right when I was washing my hands there was a knock at the door, Get that please.

As I was finishing up I didn't hear any sound. I slowly opened the door seeing if anyone was in my room, all I saw was Xavier and Alec glaring daggers at each other.

My goddess, what is wrong with these two?? I walked out and shifted my body so I was leaning against my wall and turned towards Alec, Yes, do you need something?

He didn't even look at me. Your dad said you had target practice today and I asked if I was able to train with you. He said sure but the final answer was all up to you.

Whatever, just let me get dressed and we will be on our way. Can you please wait outside. Like now I said walking past him to my dresser. He walked out with his eyes still on Xavier as the door closed.

Xavier sighed and looked at me, How are you?

Better than last night, but sore I said as I was going through looking for clothes for training. As I started to pull on my shirt my arms stopped half way through. Uhh great.

Let me help or youll be stuck all day! he said laughing.

Stop laughing or youll be sore at the end of the day, he immediately stopped laughing and just helped get the shirt on all the way.

So what's up with you and your body today?

Just my body getting ready to go into heat when my birthday hits and all the goodies that come with all it. Yay, you could hear the sarcasm leaking from my voice.

Okay on that note Ill be locked in my room so I don't go raging wolf on you. Like ew your my sister basically do not want to even smell you like that! So creepy. You could see the shivers going down his back with even the smallest thought of going after me. Lets go before he comes in and goes after me again, you could see the small smirk on his face as he pulled my pants the rest of the way on.

When we opened the door we saw him leaning on the wall in front of the door staring at us when we walked out. Lets go, he spoke as he started to walk down the hall.

As we walked to the training ground you could feel the tension around us, it was so thick ( thicker than a snicker lol) you could slice it in half. By the time we got to the training grounds I was about to start to pull my hair out. When we got there no one was around like always. This was my time to train so everyone knew to stay away unless it was important. As I showed Alec where everything was I started to set up the things I needed.

Alec was watching as I was walking around getting things done. I could feel his eyes each time I grabbed something. When I was done I walked over to a set of metal doors on the wall. Placing my hand on the pad next to it there was a small beep and the doors started to swing open and I stepped back so they could fully open. Inside there were hundreds of weapons and all of them were mine.

The only thing I grabbed right now was my hand crafted bow and a quiver full of arrows. The arrows were my practice ones so they were wood, my hunting ones were made of silver dipped in holy water. I strapped the quiver on and attached a belt full of daggers to my thigh. As I was finishing up I headed to my area to start training.


My goddess please help me. Last night i didn't get much sleep, because all I could think about was her alone all night with that unmated male and heaven forbid she was half naked to top it off with. Is the goddess trying to test my limits, because I couldn't stop the thoughts and images of her in many positions and solutions all night. I took at least four cold showers and they didn't work.

Now here I am less than twenty feet from her and she is still in little clothing and it's making my wolf and I go nuts. When she started to put her weapons on i thought i died and saw an avenging angel on earth. I wonder who got them for her, they looked like they were crafted for her. She hit a few buttons when she was done by the doors and began to walk away gripping her bow.

The ground started to move and rumble when cages started to come out of the ground. Inside you could rabid rouges that lost to the wolves inside. They were growling, snapping their jaws and digging their claws into the ground wanting to be free.

I started to move closer to Sappria when I saw the rogues but stopped when I heard what she was saying to them. Listen mutts. Here's how this works, Cages open you have two opinions. 1) run and try to make it off my land or 2) stay, fight and try to kill me for your freedom. Okay? Any objection Why is she doing this, why is she wanting to fight them they could hurt her.

Who are you? the shifter asked. All that was running through my head next was mate mate is looking at another male and he is naked why.

Im the alpha's daughter rouge. You are here because you have trespassed into our territory.. Okay now this makes sense.

We are going to enjoy this. The alpha is sending his daughter for us. That's so nice and a good snack before we go after the pack. Please scream for me when I get a hold of you or it won't be any fun for me, I was getting ready to snap that rogue neck. Some of the rogues looked at the man like he was crazy but most of the wolves were either foaming at the mouth or growling in aprovel.

As he shifted back Sappria regained their attention, You want to play. Fine let the games begin! Suddenly all the cages were opening. At least five rouges ran right past her for the borders, the rest went right for her.

Even though she was weak she still out skilled and smarted them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two really small wolves run around all the fighting. I took a look at Sapphira and saw she had over half of them down with arrows coming from them so I turned and went after the smaller wolves.

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