Calling Them Mine

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I caught up to the two wolves enough to see that they weren't even full wolves yet. They looked to be at least pups or toddlers. I ran ahead of them cutting them off making them stop and freeze as they saw me towering over them. The larger of the two stepped in front of the smaller one as if trying to hide it from my view. The one in front looked to be a boy and the smaller hidden one a girl. They were both dark chocolate fur but the girl looked to be wearing socks with her gay fur on the paws.

"Stay," I said. Running to a tree I grabbed two shirts that will cover them and went back over to them. I set them down in front of the male so he sees that I mean no harm to the girl. " Shift, please. I just want to ask a few questions.

The boy took the clothes nugging the girl behind a tree and came back out clothed. On closer inspection the girl looked to be about 2 to 3 and the boy about 5 to 6. The boy was still in the front trying to protect the little girl, but they both had their heads bowed.They were way too young to shift. What happens to them to make them shift early.

"Where are your parents' young ones? What pack are you from and how did you get here?" I asked softly as to not scare them.

"Wwe don't know? They left us a fffew months aago," the little boy stuttered out trying to act brave.

"May I ask what happened to make you shift so young? Pups should shift at not this young."

"Two months after oour parents left wwe encounter rrouges and there were aaffter us. I think with uus in the life or ddeath situation forced us to shift," the little girl muttered out at me suckimg on her thumb.

I was so enamored by the cuteness coming off of this little girl I wanted to cuddle her all day. "Come here little one. It's okay I won't bite," she looks at her brother then me and back. He nods his head so she waddles slowly over to me making me fall for her. (May I please keep her) When she reached me I picked her up and sat her on my hip and started to head for the pack house. "Let's head for the pack house to get you both cleaned and feed okay?" I asked, holding my hand out for the boy to grab. When he took it I felt my wolf let out a small content pur and knew i wasn't letting them go.

We got back to the clearing where sappria was standing with one rogue left with all others dead at her feet. You could see scratches up and down her body, but I couldn't see her face. The fights were taking a toll on her but she was pushing through till she was done. After she dealt with the last rouge she sat on the ground huffing and puffing. I made my way over with the pups.

I held out my hand to help her up "Thanks," she said letting go of my hand. I could see her swaying so I set the little girl down and swooped down and carried Sappria princess style.

"Come on let's get you to the pack doc. Lets go yo two." I Said looking at them then started on my way.

"Whos she and why was she hurt? Why was she beating up that man?" asked the little girl looking up at me spitting out her questions.

"She is going to be the new alpha of the territory here and she was beating up the bad guys saving the day and he was one of the bad guys," I told her as we walked.

As we walked passed the trees her dad came running out of the house straight for us with Jas and Xavier on his tail. The kids were scared with new people running at them as they hid behind my tall frame. When he got close he started to scold her and tell her she didn't have the energy to be doing this before her shift. She tried to get him to calm down saying they were just scratches and she just needed to wait for them to heal for the next hour. That's when they noticed I wasn't paying attention to them but the things attached to my back.

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