༄ 7. you only live twice

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Later that evening, you were on the end of 2D's bed, relaxing under the glow of the single light that was lit in his room as you fooled around with the knob to his radio. Varying sounds of static-filled music and talking were heard as you attempted to search for a clear station to listen to. 

"I'm su'prised we're gettin' anyfin', considerin' how far out we are." 2D commented from behind you. "Th' range on these radios must be mental!"

You smiled gently, going back to turning the knob. Right as you were about to give up, suddenly a completely clear talking voice began to emit from the radio. "Hey!" You called to 2D. "I got something!"

A familar voice rasped into existence as you turned up the volume. "O-kay! I'd like to, uh, send out some very late birthday wishes  to a special girl who turned 19 this Halloween; our very own, Noodle."

Your eyes darted around towards 2D. "Is that Murdoc?!" You giggled slightly. "He sounds off his face!"

2D became tense and said nothing.

"Ah, Noodle, I do hope she's okay." Murdoc reminisced from the radio speakers. "I haven't seen her since the El Mañana video, oh, what a cock-out that was. 50 grand of floating island, crashing and burning! Noodle was on that, she was meant to parachute off."

You gasped, recalling in your mind the video in question. You'd seen it years ago, when it first came out, but...Your eyes were fixed on 2D's solemn face. "I didn't think that was real..."

"I think she did, but...well, you never know." You could practically hear Murdoc's shrug after he spoke.  "The thing was shot down by these copters that tailed us to the shoot. Same guys I'm running from now, eh! Black Clouds! Eh, maybe Noodle's no more. I managed to scrape up some bits and pieces and kinda put something new together, but aggh, it's not the same, really."

It was only semi-shocking to hear how nonchalant Murdoc said every word of this monologue, and only semi-shocking how suddenly some of what you had seen on the island was falling into place in your mind and beginning to make some actual sense.

"Still! Great video, though." Murdoc concluded. "Happy birthday, Noodle, wherever you are."

His voice faded out, and a song promptly faded in to replace him. It only took you a moment to recognize the song, as the low violins of the intro entered your ears. "You Only Live Twice" by Nancy Sinatra. How fitting.

"Turn it off," 2D muttered.

You didn't understand. "What?"

"'a said turn th' bloody fing off!" He snapped. Startled, you immediately turned the radio's power knob to the side, silencing it. 

His expression softened as his eyes fell upon your frightened one. "'m sorry, Y/N. 's just tha'..." His voice trailed off. "Makes me mad a lil' bit, y'know, 'earin 'im talk like tha'. Like 'e don't even care."

You looked upon him softly; carefully, almost. "I can tell it's a sensitive topic for you, D."

Looking almost embarrassed for being so vulnerable, he nodded slowly, looking away. "We were both there when it 'appened. Y'know, on th' El Mañana shoot. I saw 'em do it." His voice trembled. "I saw 'em shoot at 'er, 'n I...I couldn't do anythin' about it! I-I just sat there while she..."

His head fell into his hands. A faint cry emitting from him muffled itself into existence. You inched closer, gently placing a comforting arm around him. 

"Y'never really forget a sight like tha'." He mumbled, looking back up a little. "'n you'd fink that Murdoc would care a lil' more abou' it, since, oh, y'know, it was his bloody fault tha' it happened!" His voice raised, his tone changing from one of sorrow to rage. "But no! Oh, one Noodle's gone? Just make anotha one! 'Cause who cares, right?!" 

You tried to figure out what to say to try to improve upon this situation. "W-Well, you heard what he said, Noodle could be alive! She may be out there somewhere!"

His head turned to you. You could see streams of tears on his cheeks as he just sniffled. "Maybe so," he said quietly. "But she's not 'ere...'cept if y'count th' robot. I neva really say much around it. It makes me nervous. 's just a killin' machine that looks like Noodle, tha's all it is." He brought up a hand to rub away the tears. "Every time I see tha' cold lookin' stare, I just see Noodle gettin' shot at. Every time."

You nodded understandingly. You brought your other arm around his front, taking him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, 2D."

He set his arm on yours, welcoming the embrace. "Fank you, Y/N. 'n f-fank you for listenin' to me. No one ever really asks me how I feel, y'know? So..." His head rested on your shoulder. "It helps."

Suddenly, without permission from your brain, your heartbeat picked up speed. You smiled, patting him on the back. "Of course. You can always talk to me about how you feel!"

He lifted his head enough to where he could look at you and smile meekly. "Fank you." Immediately afterwards, he yawned. It caused you to look at the window to see the dark, black water, reminding you that it was, in fact, nearing time for bed.

"You'd best get some rest, D." You advised. "You've gotta go up to the studio tomorrow."

"Gah, don't remind me." 2D muttered. "But you're right."

You stepped off the bed to let him stretch out a bit and get under the blanket. You were about to head to your usual sleeping spot until he stopped you. "Y/N? Would you rather, eh...sleep up here?"

Oh, wonderful. As if your heart rate wasn't already way over the speed limit. Your face turned a shade of red. "Er..." You weighed the pro's and con's of the decision. The pro's; sleeping in an actual bed, not waking up with your spine feeling like it'll snap in half at any moment...The con's? ...Are there any con's? "You really don't mind?"

"'Course not!" 2D scooted over closer to the wall, making room for you. "If you don't, o'course."

"No, no!" You shook your head, a blush still ever present on your face. Your eyes fixed upon the now open spot, and slowly, you lowered yourself down onto the bed, making yourself comfortable. Immediately you were happy you made the decision, as you laid your head on the pillow and gazed at the ceiling contently. "Much better." You smiled.

2D returned the smile. "Tha's good...Er, one more thing, Y/N, 'n I promise I'll let you sleep."

Your eyes were closed, but you were still listening. "Mmm?"

"Did y'know I've got a name?"

You weren't expecting that. Your eyes opened as you turned slightly to look at him. "Of course I know you have a name. Everyone's got one, haven't they?"

"Well, yeh, but..." He shrugged. "Murdoc gave me th' name 2D. Cuz I've got two dents in me head. Real funny stuff, innit." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "M'real name's actually Stuart."

"Really?" You replied. "Ah, I feel embrassed that I never knew that."

"'s okay," he said. "I just felt like tellin' you. You can call me whateva you'd like."

You smirked. "Okay. Goodnight now, Stu."

2D's eyes widened just a little bit. For a second, you almost thought you saw him blush. He smiled. "G'night, Y/N. See ya tomorrow."

You felt warm inside, like you'd just been let in on some special secret that wasn't really all that secret. You felt important, almost. He really trusted you enough to let you call him by his name, and be so vulnerable around you that he'd tell you how he feels. You felt needed, like a real friend, like someone valuable. 

The exact label for the feeling dawned on you.

You felt loved.

Before you drifted off to sleep you looked back at him, who was now laying silently, facing the wall, and suddenly you could hear your heart beating all over again. He looked calm. He looked effortlessly beautiful. 

By this point you were beginning to fear the worst. You looked back to the ceiling, shutting your eyes again. You were beginning to ask yourself a question that opened up all new possibilities for puzzling uncertainties.

Am I falling for him?

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