Sick day (Sincerely Three x Andrognous!Reader)

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Second Person POV:

It was a Saturday and Y/N and your husbands, Jared, Evan, and Connor had a date night all planned out.

Well, it was really only planned because of you and Evan, the other two were playing video games, making up excuses like "whatever makes you guys happy."

But when you woke up, you felt so hot. You shrugged it off assuming it was from all the cuddles and being under the sheets.

You slowly walked into the kitchen, feeling dizzy and nauseous which sucked but nothing a cup of F/D (Favorite drink) couldn't fix.

You got your drink and sat at the dinner table, crossing your arms on the table, laying your head down. You felt like absolute shit.

That's when you heard some noise which confused you. It was decently early and your husbands usually wouldn't be awake right now.

"Y/N? Is everything alright?" The tone was soft and gentle, of course, it was only Evan. You felt stupid not realizing it was him.

"Oh- hey baby, it's just a little headache, no worries." Evan walked closer and looked shocked. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry, it's nothing, it's uh.. You're really pale, are you sure it's only a 'little headache'? I can go get the other two if you want me too-"

"No! No, it's okay- it really is a headache." You both knew that Jared would panic and Connor.. He gets way too overprotective. Mostly over you and Evan.

Evan is the shortest and the kindest soul there ever is. He trusts everybody and wants everything to be peaceful.. It can end up with him in bad situations.

And you? You have a weak immune system which is why you work at home.  But your husbands are so very kind and helpful. They make sure you get the nutrients you need, making dinner all the time. They always make sure you have water or something else to keep you hydrated, they make sure you have at least 8 hours of sleep, and so much more.

But sometimes, you don't always listen to them or you still get sick in one way or another.

But back to right now, Evan put his hand on your forehead and you were extremely hot which panicked him. "I-.. I'm sorry, I have to go get them. Drink the rest of your drink and.. And we'll check your temperature and help-" he quickly left back to your guys' room.

God, you hated this. They could make a big deal out of nothing. This would pass, it always does. You don't need to be babied.

You got up from the chair and went over into the storage closet and closed the door quietly. They would eventually give up, you would feel better soon, and boom! Nobody is worried and date night is still on.

That's when you heard Connor calling for you, oh god.

"Y/N! Where the hell are you? You don't need to hide just because you might be sick, we just wanna help. Get your ass out now."

Evan quietly spoke up. "I swear, they were in the kitchen just a second ago."

"Don't worry baby, I believe you. Go tell Jared to get a bubble bath started. Use the F/S (Favorite scent) one, they like that the most."

"Okay, im on it!"

You started to feel a bit faint and had to sit down. You thought you were being so sneaky but Connor opened the door and sighed, giving you a look but it softened real quick.

"Jesus fucking Christ- dear, you're pale as hell, c'mere"

You tried to say your fine and he doesn't need to help but he rolled his eyes and picked you up bridal style.

You whined but it was no use. He put you on the couch. "Stay here Y/NN (Your nickname) I'll be right back."

You did as you were told and stayed there, not wanting to upset him. It was still date night, you'll prove you aren't sick and it'll be okay!! Hopefully..

Connor came back with a thermometer, the one where he can put it up to your forehead and check your temperature, which is what he did as you laid there.

"102.3?! My poor angel-" he tossed then thermometer on the couch, away from you of course, and then picked you up again.

He walked to your guys' room and set you on the bed. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

After a few minutes of being alone, you slowly got up and went over where your husbands were, in the bathroom.

Evan noticed you first and smiled softly "Y/NN! Hey, are you okay??" You shrug.

"I'm okay- what are you guys doing?" They moved, showing the bath. It has some lit candles, full of bubbles and even some rose peddles, probably Evan's idea.

"Time to get undressed." Jared gave a gross grin but was clearly just joking around.

You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "Thanks for this guys, I love you all."

Connor and Evan said it back, leaving after. Jared stayed though, it confused you but you chose not to ask.

You started to change, Jared is your husband so you don't care. You got in the bath and smiled softly at what happened next.

Jared grabbed a cup and filled it with the bath water and got your hair wet. He grabbed your favorite shampoo and started to put it through your hair, massaging your scalp while doing so. It was so relaxing.

He washed your hair and you stayed in there for a bit over half an hour, listening to your favorite playlist. You drained the water and got out, putting towel around your body and your hair, sitting on the toilet as Jared grabbed your clothes.

He got you Connor's hoodie that you loved the most. It was washed but Jared put his cologne on it because he knew it made you happy. And he grabbed your favorite pajama pants.

You put that on and sat on the bed. He brushed your hair, singing to you quietly. When he finished, he made you lay back down then left. You still didn't feel the best.. At all but you did feel more relaxed.

Fast forward ten more minutes. Evan walked in with some 7-UP and ginger ale.  "Sorry.. We didn't know which one you would want so-"

Jared walked in with all your favorite snacks. And finally, Connor walked in with a bunch of fruits with melted chocolate to the side.

You smiled softly and sat up. "Aww guys! You didn't have to do this" they sat on the bed, it was a king sized one.

"Of course we did, princess" Jared said first, the other two nodding in agreement.

"But! We uhm-" Evan turned on the TV, putting on your favorite movie. "We decided to change how date night will be like.. We're staying in.. Movie marathon"

"Oh my god, you guys are the sweetest-" you guys watched all your favorite movies, eating and talking.. They made you take some medicine and all that still which sucked but it was still a great night.

You usually never fell asleep first, but tonight you did. You woke up the next day to breakfast in bed. 

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