Chapter 4 - Broken

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"No, please, don't take Jesse away!" Radar begged. Jesse laid unconscious on the ground. Radar held her limp head on his leg.

"She agreed to this, dearie. We have to," The admin snarled.

"Please-!" Radar begged, "Just please let me say goodbye first, I beg of you."

"Ugh, fine," The admin grumbled, snapping her claws.

Jesse awoke with a start. When she jumped up, Radar backed away. Jesse's breathing was shallow and quick. Jesse looked around, panicked. Radar came closer to his boss, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Wha-? Where-? What happened?" Jesse stuttered. Radar wrapped his arms around the smaller woman.

"Goodbye, Jesse," Radar whimpered. Jesse remembered.

"Goodbye, Radar. I leave you in charge. If I come back-" Jesse said, being cut off.

"When, Jesse! Please, please don't say if," Radar cried.

"Okay, alright," Jesse said, "When I come back, I'll make sure that you're safe. Please don't cry when I say this, Radar, but I love you."

Jesse put her hand on Radar's cheek and rubbed away tears. He couldn't help but cry even harder when she touched his face.

"I- Jesse, thank you," Radar mumbled.

"Come along, Jesse. You've already agreed to this, let's get moving," The admin growled.

Jesse stood up. She walked to the admin's side. Cassie grabbed Jesse's arm and gripped it tightly. Jesse grunted when Cassie grabbed her but didn't try to maneuver away from her. Jesse knew that it would only result in much more pain due to Cassie's strength. With the wave of the admin's hand, they were gone.


It was the evening after Jesse had been taken. Jesse's friends were still grieving, although she wouldn't have wanted them to. There was complete silence.

"I just- I can't believe she's gone, just like that!" Romeo exclaimed.

"And for once it isn't your fault," Xara said, walking up to the group. Romeo jumped.

"Xara-! I-" Romeo stammered.

Xara sat down next to the red-haired man. Romeo tensed up, rather confused. She looked at him with resentful eyes. Romeo looked away, causing Xara's expression to soften. She reached to grab his face, but he stood up and walked away. She smacked her hand down on the bench, huffing.

"Would you two knock it off!?" Petra groaned, "Jesse's been taken away and the first thing you two do is act like a divorced couple!?"

"We are a divorced couple, Petra," Xara murmured. Petra's eyes grew to the size of golf balls.

"Huh. Anyways, what're we gonna do about all this?" Lukas piped up.

"What can we do? We don't even know where Jesse could be," Jack grumbled.

"Actually, I do," Romeo began, "But we need to access the portal network."

"The what network?" Xara exclaimed.

"Well, we need to go as soon as possible. Who knows what could be happening to Jesse right now?! She did say that she'd let them abuse her as much as they please in exchange for our safety," Harper said.

The group agreed. Harper made a plan to set out in a week so that Ivor could finish an armor set for Radar. They all departed to gear up for whatever may come ahead. 


Meanwhile, Jesse was stuck in a prison cell, chained up like a dog. She stared at the ground, content with what she'd done. She was glad that she was the one stuck here instead of anyone she loved. She was okay with having a steel chain choking her than have those that she cares about being in pain.

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