Chapter 1: No Place In The World

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(Lets just pretend everyone sat down after being yeeted into a cinema room :) I am really busy atm so I don't have the time to do this and publish an intro to this sorry!)

[Nat talks to Banner]

N:"I had this um... dream. The kind that seems normal at the time, but when you wake"

B:"What did you dream?"

[flashes to when Nat walked out of a court meeting]

N:"That I was an avenger"

Tony pulled a face. "You are?"

Natasha just looks down and Yelena nudged her asking the silent question 'You ok?'. She didn't repsond, in her own world of silence and quiet. 'In no way was this good', she thought. 'Its all about me. Not prepared for the pity looks but here we go'.

[flashes to the AoU wreckage]

N:"That I was anything more..."

[flashes to the battle of New York]

N:"...than the assassin they made me"

Melina squeezed her hand and Clint reached over and put a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

Suprisingly it was Alexei that spoke up (shock ikr) "I know I told you I was proud of what you had done, and i am. I'm proud of what you've become, you've changed. And for the better Natalia."

"Thank you Папа (Papa)" Nat responded in a hushed tone.

[Avengers jumping into battle]

N:"Before I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D... I uh... well..."

[Shows young Natasha in the red room shooting targets]

N:"...I made a name for myself"

[The targets switch to a human bound up with a sack on their head]

N:"I have a very specific skill set. I didn't care who I used it for..."

[Shows Young Natasha about to shoot the human target]

N:"...or on"

[The gun fires]

"Geez how old were you?!" Sam called out.

Maria was frowning along with Clint, Fury and the Shield lot. Laura was covering Nathaniel's eyes in an attempt to shield him from the violence. Lila looked horrified while Cooper stared in shock.

Yelena and Melina looked down, they'd both done something similar in their training.

The Avengers looked on in shock and sorrow. Wanda felt sympathy for Nat, after all she'd been in her head (Not intentionally I might add) and seen the horrors that existed in the young assassins past.

N:"When I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D I thought I was going straight..."

[scene switches to Natasha fighting her instructor as another girl goes to the floor. She taps out]

N:"...But I guess I just traded in the KGB for Hydra"

[scene shows Madame B]

Madame:"Sloppy. Pretending to fail."

Carol looks around confused.

"Why would you want to fail? Surely they'd punish you for that?"

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