Chapter 11: Black Widow - Rick Mason

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We can see Taskmaster as they watch a fight scene that is reflected off of their mask; it is Clint fighting at the airport with Black Panther.

"Holy shit- thats you!" Tony looks amazed.

"Well done. Very bright of you to recognise." Clint mutters back sarcastically.

"Watch the words Stark!" Laura glares at the man.

"Yeah but- like- they were recording you- us all fight..."

Nat snorts. "Did you not hear the part about how he has Widows around the globe? I've told you about this before. In fact, its one of the only things I ever told you about my part connections."

Tony just goes red. Like a tomato. (A side note, I bloody hate tomatos. Like tomatos on their own. Anyways.)

A widow walks into the room and Taskmaster sits down. She removes the hood and plugs in a USB drive into the back of the helmet.

"That's fuc- freaky."

"I know right." Nat responds in a deadpan voice.

"Smile," she says, moving her fingers up either side of the mouth bit in the helmet.

Natasha is walking out of a corner shop with a bag in her hand. She presses the car key and the car beeps; she then drives away after dumping the bag in the back. The title card says "Norway"

"Damn, you've travelled quickly."

"Its a skill. Hill taught most of the group but I already knew for obvious reasons."

(Nah man. I just got jumpscared T-T. Watching youtube while i write and a face appeared on the screne. I just want to go to bed.)

and we see the car go up into the mountains. "After the Sokovia Accords, the hunt is on for the remaining Avengers," says a news reporter on the radio in Norwegian "Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are currently on the run," the car stops.

Everyone stayed quiet at this.

Natasha lets out a sigh and takes a sip of whatever she is drinking.

The camera pans to the side and we can see there is an old caravan in the middle of nowhere.

"That place looks ugly and rundown. No wonder you were all pissy that I was in your other secret hideout." Yelena jokes.

Natasha just raises an eyebrow. Cleary, she is done trying to humour her collegues and family.

Natasha walks to the caravan with her gun out. She opens the door and moves with caution through the small thing. She smiles softly and walks closer to a door where you can hear snoring. She opens the door to find a man on her bed fast asleep. She nudges his foot and he wakes up with a snort. "You're in my bed," she comments.

"Oooo~ Nat's got a Bo-" "No."

"I'm- I'm not even under the covers," he argues, definitely still half asleep.

"Did you get everything on my list?" she asks.

"Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local drivers licences," he handed them to her, "Mix and match, you could stretch it to 20 or so identities," he says.

"Fanny Longbottom?" Natasha asks.

Yelena, Tony, Peter and Fitz snickered at the name.

"What?" he asks, actually sounding confused.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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