Chapter 4: Iron Man 2 - Natalie Rushman

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"We are going to watch Nat and Tony's Meeting."

Pepper can be seen entering the mansion gym where Happy and Tony were boxing inside a ring.

Tony groaned. "Not this."

Natasha snickered and some of the others nearby looked at her weirdly.

"What? You'll all find out in a moment anyways."

"The notary's here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" she asked, raising her voice for him to hear.

Tony made a few moves, dodged a punch, landed one, and then said, "I'm on happy time." then smacking Happy in the face with his elbow. "Sorry."

"What the hell was that?" Happy asked.

Tony, who seemed unable to stand still and was bouncing on his feet, replied, "It's called mixed martial arts. It's been around for three weeks."

"It's called dirty boxing, there's nothing new about it."

"All right, put them up. Come on." That's when the Notary walked in drawing the gaze of both men.

The redhead gave them a meaningful look and approached Pepper to show her the folder she was holding.

"Ooooh. Shit's about to go down!" Clint whispered so his kids didn't hear. He was wrong.

"Shit!" Lila giggled. "You swore! Mummy, Daddy swore!"

Laura smacked him upside the head. "Lila, we don't say that bug." Natasha said. Lila looked up to Nat from her seat in her lap. "It's a bad word that Daddy shouldn't have said. He was naughty."

"Oh, sorry Mummy, Sorry Natty." Lila said quietly. Cooper just snickered in the corner.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." Pepper told Tony.

Pepper smiled at Natasha who handed her a pen and said, "I need you to initial each box."

Tony was watching the scene carefully, so Happy tapped him on the back of the head with a light punch, not enough to hurt him. "Lesson one. Never take your eyes off-" Tony kicked him and sent him crashing into the corner of the ring.

Natasha looked at them with interest and Tony said, "That's it. I'm done." He pointed to the redhead and asked, "What's your name, lady?"

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman"

Fury spoke up. "Why pick a name so similar?" Melinda also found this curious. However Maria and Phil already knew the answer to this.

"So if I get in a tense or stressful situation when I might not properly respond to my cover name, I am more likely to react to name that sounds fairly similar to mine but not enough that someone who I didn't trust or didn't know me could make that connection. Plus there is only a few not in this room who know my true name."

"What, Natalia?"

"No." Nat looks a bit startled. "That is my birth name. Not who I am anymore."

No one knew what to say after that. It was clear that Nat finished the conversation.

"Front and centre. Come into the church," Tony said, beckoning her to come over.

Pepper gave him a look, "No. You're seriously not gonna ask-"

"If it pleases the court, which it does."

Natasha looked at Pepper with a polite smile and said, "It's no problem."

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