suitcases 001

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I wake up to the sun peeking through my window, I tie my hair put my shoes on and head downstairs. My parents were already gone they had to catch an early flight to LA, my parents are famous travel agents. And me and my older sister Olivia are actors. Lily and Nuala my other sisters are models. Soon I go on to my mac-book and start reading e-mails, I saw one that caught my eye. "JOHN KRASINSKI?!?!?!" I open the e-mail right away I start reading out loud, "Hello Mabel Rodrigo, I am interested in having you audition for one of my upcoming movies The Quiet Place 3 everything you need to know is in this google doc below," My jaw dropped as think about it for a minute I SCREAMED. Soon my sister came in the room wondering what the hell happened. "MABEL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SCREAMING FOR" I reply, "JOHN KRASINSKI ASKED ME TO AUDITION FOR HIS NEW MOVIE THE QUIET PLACE 3." My sisters concerned face turned into a big smile. "THAT's GREAT MABEL I'M SO PROUD OF YOU" I hugged her. "thank you liv ilysm" She walks out the room. I grab my phone to text my best friend Millie bobby brown, you may know her from stranger things.

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" I should probably start packing

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" I should probably start packing." I grab my suitcase from downstairs and head into my closet. "i'm only staying there for the weekend so i shouldn't over pack." I grabbed some sweaters and jackets, and packed them in my suitcase. I grab two pairs of boots and pack them in my oddly small suitcase. "LIV WHERE IS ALL THE BIG SUITCASES?" I yelled "MOM AND DAD TOOK THEM SORRY" she shouted. "well great just great." I groaned.


"it's already 6 AM, wow time flies. ew I sounded like a grandma." I got ready to go to the airport. I saw my older sister liv was sleeping, I woke her up and whispered "hey liv my uber is here to the airport, ily i'll see you on Monday" I stormed down the steps and put my bags in the back of the car. I popped in my air pods and started playing just a stranger by Kali Uchis ft. Steve Lacy  I loved that song so much. I felt really sleepy and closed my eyes. A couple minutes later I woke up and I see the airport. I jumped out the car grabbed my luggage from the trunk, and head inside. All the process was super quick. I make it to my gate "B6". I hand the gate agent my boarding pass, and head on into the jet bridge. "hello, can you please take me to the first class section?" I ask the flight attendant. She takes me to my seat and see a curly headed boy in the seat next to mine. Soon I hear a british voice "hello?"

AHHH chapter 1. what do you think will happen next? <3

xoxo, gabriella.

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