let them eat cake. 010

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mabels pov:
i woke up this morning from crying myself to sleep, a check my snap HOLY SHIT. I FORGOT ITS MY BIRTHDAY. I RUNNNNN TO THE BATHROOM TO GET READY. BC I HAVE BREAKFAST PLANS WITH THE WALTONS. wait do you think jaden will be bring bianca. SHIT IDC. i hop into the shower. after 10
mins i fianlly get out. i get dressed. i do my makeup and hair and rush out the door. it's about a 5 ish minute walk to the walton's air bnb.

**  a couple mins later **
i reach to open the door, and i see girl. ane she's gorgeous. oh god. it's bianca. fuck fuck fuck. why didn't i think of that. ( but i did 😭 )
"oh hey good morning, ur mabel right? happy bday!" bianca says. "hey yea and thank u" i respond with a smile. she's absolutely gorgeous. i shouldnt be jealous rn but it's literally killing me. i go in to the house and daelo runs up to me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MABEL" i hug him and say "THANK U BSF" i let go and see jaden. "happy birthday mabel" i was expecting a hug but he just dabbed me up instead. "thanks jaden:)" i could feel bianca staring at us. idk what the hell was happening to me. i thought i was over him but i guess not. and plus i would never ruin bianca's and jadens relationship. he deserves to be happy. after i saw jaden i heard jaylas voice. "MAEEEEEEEEEEEE" she yells across the hall. "JAYYYYYYYYYY" i yelled back. we call each other mae and jay 🙌🏼🙌🏼 #besties4lyfe. we run up to eachother and hug. but then fall over because we were very strong. "ouch" jayla says while she starts laughing. i help her up and i see javon. "JAVONNNNN" i run up to him "what's up ashtray" "nothin much birthday girl" we hug. OOH i forgot to tell y'all! me and javon decided to stay as just friends bc it would ruin the friendship. dj and jessica we're out getting breakfast for us. so ya!

    i sit by the kitchen island, when i see bianca get up and head to the bathroom. all i hear is a conversation with her friend? i lowkey felt like an asshole by doing this but i filmed it. all i heard then is "so when are you gonna tell jaden ur not actually interested into him? " bianca says "SHHH KEEP UR VOICE DOWN" why is she yelling 😭😭.. i get it on all on film but i just keep looking at the door. i stopped recording and knock on the door. * KNOCK KNOCK*
"who is it!" bianca says. "it's me mabel, i just heard you and your friends convo." i said obviously angry. "mabel. don't tell jaden i swear if you do ur gonna mess everything up!" she says like she's about to cry. " i won't tell him for now, but if you don't tell him TONIGHT. i will do it myself" i said. "fine." bianca sighs. she gets out the door i sit down and she sits down with jaden again." bianca starts DEATH STARING AT ME. "bro bianca are you good?" jaden says "yeah i'm fine." i got up and ran to jaylas room. "JAYLAAAA i got major tea and it's about ur brother and the little gf." i said laughing. "bruh bianca? i hate it her. SPILL" well all i have to show u is this. i show her the recording. "omg im gonna kill her. MABEL U HAVE TO TELL HIM NOWW" she yells. "ik go get him. call him and say can u get me my charger i need it." she calls jaden up here and i hear him. as soon as he enters the door we say jaden sit down we need to show u this. jayla plays the recording and jaden was stunned. "oh okay." he says clearly upset. jaden it's okay. i walk over to him and give him a huge hug. i get all nervous and start smiling. as we pull apart i stop smiling. "what are you gonna do?" i say. "end things with her.  she doesn't want me at all so, i should just spend my time for someone who does."

jaden goes downstairs, and me jayla hide by the staircase so bianca doesn't see us. "bianca i heard your whole conversation. i need you to leave." he says. "okay jaden bye" she grabs her stuff and leaves. she slams the door. i run and give jaden a huge hug. "it's okay j, cmon let's go watch a movie in ur room." i said. jayla winks at me. he holds my hand running up the staircase. the butterflies in my stomach rn are doing gymnastics or sum bc omg. i pick the movie. "princess and the frog is amazing." i said. "mabel shut up i'm tryna watch the movie."

a hour passes and mabel is asleep on my shoulder. she's so cute i swear.. but how tf am i supposed to tell her i still love her.


bruh i fianlly posted this chapter after weeks of working on it 😭😭. i'm so sorry for not being active on here, love y'all sm thank you for making me number 1, on #mabelchee. 💝💝

- xoxo gabriella 💝

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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