streaks 004

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I completely passed out after last night, I rub my eyes and start going through my snaps. "JADEN WALTON SNAPPED MEEEE" I yelled. I may had been a little little happy, just a little ofc. *wink wink*

this is what jaden sent mabel !

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this is what jaden sent mabel !

I literally screamed bro, he's so fine fr but i'm scared to make a move I said shaking my head. but I had to snap him back. I have no makeup on but it's fine natural beauty guys! It's important. anyways I put my phone to a certain angle and took the photo, I SENT IT!

jaden's pov:

I decided to snap mabel as a way to get things started, I put my phone at an angle and sent it. 3 mins later she opened it, It took her a little while to snap back though. Maybe she was trying to look good for me? I click on the snap.

 Maybe she was trying to look good for me? I click on the snap

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this is what mabel sent to jaden!

I was so happy to see her beautiful brown eyes, how am I ever gonna see her again. I think I may be catching feelings. No there's no way, right? RIGHT? Ugh I give up! I walk to
wanna's room ( javon ) and yelled "yo i need some advice" Javon replied " it's about mabel right?" My jaw dropped, "HOW DO U KNOWW" Because when you saw her at the hotel you were staring at herr. he said with a smirk on his face. "Alright javon nvm then I
figured it out, THANKS SIDE CHICK." I close javons door. I got super tired so I payed on my bed. I'm gonna ask out mabel on a date!!


YALLLLL. mmm jaden and mabel 💓💓. #jabel or #maden 🤘🏽🤘🏽 this chapter was all about jaden and mabel but dw. noah is coming soon 😍... good luck readers

xoxo, gabriella <3.

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