confrontations 006

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"baby it was nice to know ya packing up and leaving home" - kali uchis

"um jaden." this girl says. "maddy?? what are you doing here." he said in a trembling voice. "who the fuck are you??" she says pointing at me. "uhh i'm mabel.." i reply. "okay mabel get the fuck out of my mans house." she yelled. "mans? jaden is this true?" i say on the verge of tears. "uhh" he says. "yk what forget it, i'm gonna go this was all a big misunderstanding." I grab my stuff and leave. "mabel wait-" "save it jaden, don't talk to me." i say with tears running down my face. i call an uber and go home. i grab my airpods and start listening to loner by kali uchis.
bro i am such a fucking idiot, on a date with someone who has a gf?? i cant even explain how i feel rn. i'm at my place and i run up the stairs. i check my phone. 67 messages and 19 missed calls. all from jaden.

not dealing with his bullshit rn

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not dealing with his bullshit rn. my god i'm so fucking stupid bro. why would i think that JADEN WALTON actually liked me and did not have a gf. fuck my life bro. i literally want to bury myself in a hole.

** hours later **
as i was eating my feelings i saw my phone light up. hold on what why is HE texting me.

gabriella speaks:
yo yo yoooo i fianlly published the first 5 ish chapters of this book! and for the 4 people viewing thank you sm this means a lot. and my writing is probably cringy as shit thank you sm 💓💓.

the story:
jaden. jaden. jaden. why would do that to mabel, not cool brooo. poor mabel doesn't deserve that. and WHO TEXTED MABEL?? comment ur guesses 😍‼️

xoxo gabriella 💝

infrunami , ♡ - jaden walton Where stories live. Discover now