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"Great". Amelia was now stuck in the middle of the woods trying her hardest to get through it, find a way out, any place habited by people. Frustrated and upset, the only luck she had that day was the fact that it was somewhat day and easier to find a way out of it, she had all that she needed for survival and her anxiety of making it out of it all to keep her busy from thinking of her hunger and thirst. But the luckiest of it all, she managed to escape the asylum of a place she was born in: the orphanage.

Amelia was "donated" to this orphanage when she was born. She had no account of her parents, nothing but a necklace that was wound around her neck when she was given. She never understood why her parents would give her away to the worst place in the world. She had so much anger built up on her, it started reflecting in her attitude. Finally at the age of 6, a cult group working secretly under the name Serpents had found this horrible institution and demolished it. They then brought the children under their wing, cared for them and taught them the culture they knew, defense. Moreover, how to protect themselves to a soon-to-be common threat they may receive from their opposing cult group, the Roaches. But when Amelia was found by the head of the Lazarus (the family heading the cult/south side division) he took her under his wing and cared for her not like a new member of the Serpents, but like his own little sister. He saw himself in her. The same rage, independence, and strength to fight. Amelia after all, was special. Unlike normal kids, she had already found her way to survive through the harsh treatment of the Orphanage board. His care, to be specific, Forsythe Jones' care for the little girl gave her the family she never had and also the member of the Lazarus. 

But her uniqueness had been gathering attention. It was soon discovered that the Roaches were in fact, the control of the orphanage and when they heard of its failure, they wanted revenge. They had to somehow get onto the nerves of the Serpents and claim their position above them. Clearly, over the years it was always the serpents who out-won every battle and every attack, simply because they knew the roaches weakspots but they didn't. With the discovery of Jughead's newfound sweet spot or affection for an orphan made Amelia prime target to offending him. They knew it would scar his heart if anything were to ever happen to her. So the attacks began. During the night when everyone was asleep, they sneaked through the camp's barrier. Their camp was cruelly invaded and set to fire. Jughead tried his best to endure everyone's safety, children, orphans, the serpents all had to scatter into different places, all running in the hopes to stay alive and reunite once the problem settles. He then rushed to Amelia's dorm to escort her to a safer exit. 

He broke open her dorm and found her in a corner, crying in fear like she never did before.

"Their here for me, aren't they?" the 14 year old sobbed.

"If their here for any of us, we'll all be in the same kind of situation. Sit up now, grab your things and be prepared to run" She sits up and reveals an already packed bag of her essentials. Jughead smirked at the sight of it.

"Run where?"

"Anywhere from here."

"What if i get lost?"

"I'll come find you, you know i always do. Now hurry up we don't have much time i have to get you out of here" he spoke in distress, pulling Amelia's forearm out of the dorm.

"What about you? And Betty? Don't you have to escape too?" she spoke with tears and furrowed eyebrows.

"Millie" he sighed and stopped for a second. "Nothing is ever going to happen to me or Betty. We're both trained and used to this, we'll be fine." he said swipping his thumb across her cheek to wipe off the tears on her face. 

He quickly pulled her out of the dorm and out of the hut. He ducked and slowly moved her behind the hut and walked a bit until they were at the edge of the forest. He knelt down to look at Amelia.

"This is it. Run as fast and silently as you can. Don't look back and don't  wait for me. Whatever happens, keep running till you find a place with people, or a village. Use your arrow if you suspect a threat around you, otherwise hold on to that dagger"

She nodded.

"One more thing" he says.

"Don't come look for me, or any serpent. You keep your background a secret and the serpents don't exist. Keep it that way. Got it?"

She sighs. "I'm gonna miss you" she says in a dreary tone.

He looks at her with softened eyes. 

"I know" he whispers.

He pulls her in for a hug and kisses the top of her head. "Be safe millie. Know that we'll all b-"


A loud voice startles the two and interrupts them. It was Caylus. The head of the roaches south-west sector. Holding a spear in his hand, he puts it in front of him in both hands and beats it on one, tapping it two to three times as he spoke.

"Well well well, what do we have here. Jugsy bugsy and his little miss sunshine he fell in love with that night" he said in a hissing and disturbing tone.

Jughead being protective quickly pulls Amelia behind him and shields her.

"Doing this again are we Caylus?" 

"You darn right we are Jugsy."

He was stepping one foot at a time, closer and closer. Jughead and Amelia, a foot behind inching towards the forest"

"Millie" jughead whispers

"Hm" Amelia responds


Caylus suddenly screams and pokes his spear directly into the direction of jugheads' head.

"NOW!!" Jughead screams and send Amelia flying back into the woods.

She ran for hours and hours and hours. She even got chased by other roaches and almost got caught, but if it weren't for her horse Flynn to spring into the action and save her, she would have been help captive. They rode away until the dawn broke and the night started to lighten up. She got off her horse and started walking to see where she could find herself either a place to rest or a place to find people. Anything or anyone who could help. Soon she reached the edge of a forest, where it dropped off at a ledge. Within a few miles distance she could see what looked like a barnhouse and horses. After more walking, she reached the entrance of the great area.

With a sigh of relief, "Bright Fields" she read the sign. 

"Huh, this seems nice don't you think Flynn?". Flynn snorted back.

Heavily breathing she sat under the board to calm her heart. It was then she got briefly interrupted by the sound of black boots approaching her.

"Who are you and what do you think your doing here?" boomed a voice.

A Jones : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now