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I woke up at dawn to the pull of Millie's arms under mine. Still in my sleepy state I ask her,

"What's going on?" She doesn't respond until she's picked me up and dragged me to the hammock and placed me there. She bends down to me.

A: I woke him up in my attempt to pull him to comfort and leave. I haven't slept in the assurance of safety or in such comfort in so long, I lingered longer than I should have. If I didn't make my way now, someone else will. I only pray no one found out about us, about me. This encounter could either leave me with a cherished memory or one than jeopardized my plans.

"I have to go" she whispers. "I'm not safe here with you, neither are you"

I sigh and look up at her as I cup her cheek which she so elegantly leans into.

"When will I see you again?"

"When the storm ends" she speaks, doubt clear in her tone. She's not sure she'd make it herself. What is she going to do?

"Remember me?" I let out a slight chuckle, trying to change the mood.


She reached towards me and kissed my forehead, and then pressed her soft lips to mine, pulling shortly after a few seconds.

"I'll miss you" I spoke grabbing her palm in mine and smoothing her knuckles, which had red burns and blisters from all the work she was probably doing.

"I'll miss you too" she smiled weak.

She then slowly walked away. As my eyes still longed for sleep, my eyes shut almost instantly, the last words I remember she spoke being 'Goodbye Lou'.

~End of Lou's POV ~

~Amelia's POV~

I get back to my hideout still in shock of whatever happened last night. My mind is completely wrapped up and lost in thought, in worry if he made it safe home, is he able to walk there, did anyone find out. But at the same time my mind crowds in questions about him, it replays the moment his brown chocolate, glazy eyes stared into mine, deep through to my soul and tugging at my heart. I still remember the feel of his tender lips against mine, the way he held me tight through the night, almost as if he was losing me and didn't want to let go. 

"Earth to Amelia?" echoed Jade's voice through my phone.

"Yeah, sorry I zoned out" For the 3rd time today. I have to put my game face back on. No distractions.

"Ok so Pin picked up the package you left and I added down the new addition to the software. You should be able to move much securely now, and hacking is almost impossible. Anyone who does, gets into deep trouble. The coding is pure genius."

"All thanks to Blaine, couldn't have done it without him" I got in touch with the Serpents through the same code and communicated with them about the plan. However, whenever I ask about Jug, they ignore me. The silence they give is a more than enough answer saying that he isn't going to make it any time soon. But I've already accepted my fate to take charge, and I am respected and supported to lead regardless of my lack of experience and age. They all know me, and know how much I know about Jug's work ethic and his judgements, and their all willing to fight. This one's for family, family stick together. Betty on the other hand, hasn't been doing well. She wouldn't leave his side and she hasn't talked to anyone in days. I bet she hasn't slept even. As much as I'd like to join her in that party, I have an army to lead and a battle to win. I can postpone the mourning for later.

A Jones : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now