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The next morning broke. As much as Millie had to get out of bed, a weight pulled her down to stay in. But much to her convincing herself out of it, she managed to pull her back upright and her feet on the ground, palms in a fist on the bed with her knuckles turning white. She had to pull through the day, watch every step, and not give way to anyone's suspicions.

She finished up and made it through the dock first, at its prime time. Easily blendable, unspotted. She found the message Jug let her at the dock, on a rusted anchor, in the tiniest bottle. With an almost invisible swish of her hand she grabbed the bottle and made it out of the pier as fast as she could and straight to the stables. She made quite a good work at making it out. She was making her way to the office when.

"Where do you thing your going?" Stella obstructed her path with both hands raised to either side at shoulder level. 

"To my shed. To get Flynn" She spoke with a straight face and bold voice, not harsh and not sweet either.

"Are you sure?" Millie raised an eyebrow at that question. What did she mean?

"Sure? Why wouldn't I be?"

~ Millie's POV~

She pulled out a necklace. My necklace. The one that my birth had given. The only love they had before they gave me away. But I had left my room. How did she get it? The only reason I didn't wear it, was I wasn't sure if I wanted to. After all, they gave me away. Why give me a necklace to attach love to? I was still mad at them, but I wanted to remember them. Now if it's in Stella's hands, I wouldn't be safe. Whatever was coming, it spelt trouble in bright red.

~End of POV~

"Where did you get it from?" she questioned, fear and anger raging in her eyes.

"I know where you live. For a fact, you aren't even a Darren House member anymore. Your so worthless your own parents kicked you out" 

Millie was feeling a range of feelings, unexplainable ones. Ones that screamed, exposure and "walls down". A feeling to engage but an invisible moral force hold her back. Like a cub in a cage. Restless. Hunted. Trapped. 

She might have not understood the story right, but it did blow a chunk of her cover.

"Give it back Stella" Millie retorted trying to snatch it away from her hand. But Stella was quick enough to swish it away.

"Oh I'll give it back.....on one condition."


"You do as I say....and if you don't" she spoke stepping closer to her face. "I'll expose your secret to everyone"

With a flip of her hair she left the scene, Millie's necklace still in hand. She was struck for a minute, but she knew she couldn't stand up. If she did, she'd lose everyone. She can't protect her dignity at the cost of everyone. She snapped out and proceeded to do whatever she was to do for her life and her family, her primary goal. She would be soon out of there, so might as well prioritize first needs. She quickly met up with Jade and handed her the bottle.

"What's this?"

"Theres a USB inside." she spoke as Jade removed the cork and found a very tiny chip like flashdrive.

"Connect it to any protected device, check the database and see if it wasn't tapped into by any other media and download whatever's in this. Let me know when you do"

"On it....and don't worry, your gonna get there safe" she gave her a warm smile with her hand on Millie's shoulder.

"I know" she half-smiled back.

A Jones : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now