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Legends aren't the most popular. They're the ones who leave a mark so hard to erase, people just adopt them and carry on with their lives.

- Song Mingi, Vlive 210128


Mingi wasn't angry. He wasn't disappointed. No, he was fuming.

Everything had been going perfectly well. After his conversation with Jongho, who had entertained him much more than he expected, Mingi said goodbye to San, who had told him he'd stay for a while longer at the practice room to perfect some choreography details, and he trotted to the studio while silently praying for the broken couple to have fixed themselves in the time-frame San and Mingi had given them. Even though Hongjoong had deleted the file and all their progress was completely gone, he had somehow retrieved it, and Mingi, though mad, had still helped him out, though he had already planned on sleeping over at the studio, having set his mind on finishing at least one of his thousands of songs sitting on his laptop. Maybe if he finished, he'd release it as a single. A little surprise for his Mingkis. But that is only and only if the company allows it.

Thankfully, when he arrived at the studio, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were nowhere to be seen, and Mingi presumed they had left together, probably to celebrate their newly formed relationship. In the best possible scenario, Hongjoong stays with Seonghwa the rest of the night. In the most probable scenario, Hongjoong comes back to the studio and keeps working. Which is exactly what happened.

Stumbling through the door, Hongjoong looked like a different man. No frowning, no wrinkles, no slouching; Mingi was convinced Seonghwa had bewitched him. But he didn't complain, and no words were exchanged between the two —except the occasional complaining from Mingi— focusing solely on each other's tasks. Unlike what Mingi had told Jongho, he didn't choke his hyung. He would've felt bad for interrupting Hongjoong's blissful state. The urge was still there, though. But he managed to control himself by distracting his mind with the lyrics, and like he had told Jongho, he did text him asking for help, in which the younger —more than happily, if he may add— complied, and the two stormed ideas for hours, Jongho telling the rapper everything he knew about love and Mingi somehow transcribing those experiences into lyrics. It had taken some time, and some obstacles appeared on the way —Mingi found it extremely difficult to handle Jongho's curious nature, for Mingi almost disclosed his true identity— but they finished. Quite early, too, in Mingi's opinion.

Then, if everything had gone perfectly well, why was he so mad?

"What the fuck is wrong with some interviewers?" Mingi asked Seonghwa, who was driving both of them towards Mingi's second haven: his apartment. His manager had been kind enough to pick him up from the studio —peking Hongjoong's lips right in front of his virgin eyes, which earned a "You're gross" from the rapper— and take him to all the schedules for the day, and in all honesty, Mingi had been in fairly good mood. He had finished the lyrics for the love song (obviously dedicated to Seonghwa, though Hongjoong was too damn stubborn to admit it), he had advanced on some of his many songs that still sat in his laptop and nowhere near close to being released, and he had texted Yun again when he was moments away from passing out. Thankfully, his friend had been awake to distract him. Not so thankfully, his friend yelled at him to sleep, though Mingi paid no mind to those messages, only using them as fuel to further annoy Yun. It may or may not have become Mingi's favorite hobby. Yun was too easy to fluster, even if he says otherwise.

"They want money," Seonghwa answered, eyes on the road and, to Mingi's relief, driving slowly. "They won't stop until they get what they want."

Mingi's nose flared. "But did they have to be so intrusive? They were asking me about my love life when my fans damn well know it's nonexistent."

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