Authors Note

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Alright heya, I know y'alls were probably expecting an update when you got the notif, and I'm sorry that you got this Authors Note instead, but I want to set some things straight.

Warning: there WILL be swearing.

One: This book is going to be under "Semi-Hiatus" and "Slow Updates" for the time being, BUT the other part of the news is that I'm planning a rewrite for it as well! I looked back on the previous chapters (and I mean like Chapters 1-5) and they were cringy as fuck, pardon the language. I legit cringed more than five times while reading them, and that's when I decided that a rewrite was definitely in order. I'd like to say that my writing has improved over the months, and I'd like to see if I can do another shot at writing a PJO/HP Crossover that, hopefully, won't be as cringy as it is now.

Also, there will be some MAJOR changes between this one and the rewrite, so just a heads up for that. I'll list what those differences are below in a bit, but I just want y'alls to know that these ideas are all up in the air for now, and I'm still in the stage of planning.

Two: I sort of lost motivation for this. There are multiple reasons why, and I'm going to be as frank (hahahahaha-) as possible with them, so bear with me.

1. Imagine you get a notification that someone commented on your book. You're hella excited, and you click on it immediately. The comment is "UPDATEEEEEEE!1!!11!1111" and your mood drops because you realize that you aren't getting any other feedback except for people hounding you to update (and, in some cases, quite aggressively too). Whatever motivation you had for your book drops down another inch, and you click out, resolving yourself to ignore this book for the time being and focus on other things so you don't get anxious about updating and letting people down if you don't.

This is exactly what I'm going through, and it fucking sucks as all everloving hell. I understand that some of you guys really love this book (and to those people, thank you so much, you all are amazing! 🥺) but constantly hounding me to update just pulls down my motivation to write, and instead makes me more anxious whenever I think about writing another chapter for this book. I appreciate feedback, bottom line, but not constant comments asking me to update, that's all (and I'm sure I'm not the only author who thinks this way).

[Note: this necessarily doesn't apply to here, but occasionally I do get messages such as what I said above. Since I have this story published on three different writing platforms, I'm just writing this in general, not just directed at messages I get on WattPad]

2. Rereading the cringe of writing in the beginning chapters just threw all motivation for me to continue this story out the window. Instead, rereading all that made me get the idea to rewrite the whole thing, and expand upon other characters that weren't touched upon -- both canonically and in fanon-- in here. So, ideas about a rewrite are taking up more of my brain than updating this story.

3. My schedule is wack as fuck. I hate it, and I wish I could have some downtime to write, but it's bloody effing me up right now, and I know this is the lamest excuse but there's no other way for me to put it! I kind of kept forgetting about this story until I come across it in my Published whenever I rove through it to work on other stories. Then, I feel guilty for not writing and force myself to write, hence me losing more inspiration and attraction to write more of this fic, and the cycle repeats.

4. I have some other cool fic ideas that I'm currently working on (some of my readers here might know of these specific fics ;)) and they're taking up more of my writing time than this one, honestly, which I apologize about.

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