Chapter 9: Our Teachers Are WHO?!

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Authors Note: Alrighty uhhhhhh heya? *cricket noises* oop- Anyway, s i x months, am I right? Damn it's been that long?! I swear, I didn't mean to leave this story for this long, ughhh, I'll definitely be more consistent with my updates and all that!

So like, I'm terribly sorry if this chapter seemed rushed or something, because I had it half-written out like six months ago and when I came back here to finish it, I was like 'wait wtf wtf wtf-' and I just sort of half-bsed the yeah, sorry? The next chapters will be better, I swear!

Um other than that, thanks so so much for sticking by me and my mess of an update schedule and I appreciate all of you guys, a b u n c h! Feedback is much appreciated, and thank you for reading! Hope y'all enjoy!


Calypso's POV

I hurried into the History of Magic classroom with Draco, making it in just in time before the bell rang again, signaling the beginning of class. This class had a mix of different house students in it and so the classroom was a sea of colors. Thankfully, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they, like Ron, had opted out of this class. I ignored the other students and kept my eyes forward, weaving my way around desks until I came to a stop at the desk next to Leo's at the near-back. I sat down with a loud sigh, Draco sitting down in between Nico and Leo. I glanced around and noticed that someone was missing from our Slytherin group.

"Where's Piper?" I asked. Leo rolled his eyes and snickered.

"Where else, love? She's skipped class after hearing from Ron about how boring it is. She's exploring the castle with Jason."

Draco stifled a snort at that, "more like exploring each other's mouths." Leo choked in laughter and Nico stifled a snicker with his palm. Draco held his hands up in defense, "what? It's true and we all know it!"

I laughed and nudged his shoulder, "doesn't mean you gotta say it so loudly." And indeed, there were some students looking curiously at us at Draco's statement. I chuckled at their expressions but soon after couldn't resist the yawn that escaped my mouth.

Leo gave me a sympathetic look.

"Tired already, Sunshine?" I had stopped berating him for using that nickname and simply nodded. He clucked his tongue at my response and pulled out something from his pocket and gave it to me.

"Here you go, I was going to wait until after classes to give it to you but I decided you need some brightening up right now," he grinned, waiting expectantly as I took the object and examined it more closely. It was a hair clip, with a bronze medium-sized sunflower on it. As I tilted it side to side, the sunflower seemed to sparkle and glint beautifully in the light. I was breathless in surprise and, I had to admit, quite flattered. This wasn't the first time Leo had gifted me with something he had made but no matter how many gifts I received from him, each one will always end up leaving me speechless.

"Soo...." Leo trailed off, looking at me with an uncertain smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Draco watching the interaction amusedly. "How do you like it?" My boyfriend asked without realizing that we had an audience.

In response, I gently put the clip up in my hair, making sure the sunflower was sitting proudly on display atop my head. I smiled wide and leaned over to kiss Leo on the cheek, "I love it, Firebug," I said sincerely. He grinned and blushed, fiddling with his quill. Draco clapped loudly and Leo jumped, just now realizing that we were being watched this whole time.

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