Chapter 2-The Hogwarts Express

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Y'all must have seen this before, but still letting you all know that basically the first wizard was a child of Hecate and ended up making their own race, which Hecate blessed. The founders were children of Hecate and had her blessing, but the rest of the wizards are not demigods (except for a select few), they just have her blessing to perform magic. 

Also, I might do First Person POV more often, actually. 


Harry's POV

Something seemed a bit off today, Hermione seemed anxious yet excited, and Ron was just confused (well there was nothing off about that one). 

"Hermione, for god's sake, what is up with you today?" Ron finally asked after Hermione shifted in her seat in our designated compartment in the Hogwarts Express. We had all decided to go back to Hogwarts to repeat our last year, which we had missed due to us fighting and defeating the evil wizard Lord Voldemort. 

"Ronald, didn't you read your Hogwarts letter?" Hermione asked looking surprised. Ron tilted his head confusedly before nodding slowly. 

"Of course I did, 'Mione, and all I saw was a letter from Dumbledore explaining the necessities of what we need for the school year, nothing worth getting excited about. Wait," Ron looked suddenly nervous, "was there a mention of a test slipped in there and I missed it? Shit, do we have to take a test?"

"Oh of course not, Ronald," Hermione rolled her eyes, "you read the school supplies letter, but I bet you didn't even think to read the second letter that Dumbledore and McGonagall had given to us along with the school letter."

I watched with amusement as Ron sat there stumped and grasping for a good answer, before muttering a "there was a second letter?" Hermione sighed. 

"We're having exchange students, from America!" Hermione finally said the news, accompanied by a squeal that made my ears hurt. Ron winced and narrowed his eyes at Hermione. 

"Calm down, woman or your screams are gonna end up reaching bat frequency," he barked. 

"Oh shut up, Ron, you insolent and idiotic-"

"Oh, I'm insolent? I did help with the war-"

"I didn't say you didn't, but your emotional range still is a-"

"Oh, not this again!"

I sighed and rested my head against the window watching the trees blur by and tuning out Ron and Hermione's bickering. I was just about to doze off when I heard the door to our compartment slide open. 

"Hey, mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full." A voice said the accent sounded foreign. I jerked myself out of my light doze and came face to face with eyes that looked so very similar to mine. In fact, the guy looked about the same as me, except more built, and muscular. His black hair was ruffled and windswept and his green eyes-which I realized were not emerald green like me but looked more like the ocean, unrestrained and unpredictable-sparkled with fun. 

A pretty blonde girl stood next to him with princess curls framing her soft-looking face. She was lean, like the black-haired boy, but had more delicate features like the rounding of her shoulders and angling of her face. Although, her beauty was somewhat altered by her eyes, which were a stormy gray that seemed to look straight into me and read my thoughts. I quickly looked away, red in the face. Both of them wore orange t-shirts that said Camp Half-Blood (whatever that meant) and the boy wore a pair of cargo shorts and the girl had on jean shorts. 

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