Chapter 33- Family pt.1

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Mavis didn't need to say anything for Natsu to know that she'd caught on to who Lucy is by now. 

"Oh boy…"

"Hmph, I guess you really do know her, huh?" 

"Listen, I know this seems odd but I-"

"It's not important right now," Mavis sighed, dropping her glare, "Zeref's awake."

Natsu's shoulders relaxed as he felt himself release a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in, "Really? Thank God… Have you spoken to him yet?"

"No… I just got the news as I saw you walking down the hall…" Her eyes slowly trailed over to Lucy, the girl clutching her journal tighter than ever. The way her eyes were wide as she took tiny steps back gave the impression that she was nervous, which confused Mavis, but she wouldn't think about it right now.

"Hey, could you wait here while I go see him?" Natsu spoke to Lucy in a soft tone, one that Mavis had never heard him use before.

"O-okay, yeah… I'll be right here…" Lucy walked with Plue to the waiting chairs across from the door, "...Don't mind me…"

He didn't like how her voice became meek, but he'd talk to her about it later. Now, Natsu and Mavis held their breaths as they entered Zeref's hospital room. 

Though it was smaller than Layla's, it was still large, the extra steps they needed to take only fueling their anxiety. Zeref was sitting up in his bed, staring ahead at nothing before he whipped his head around to watch them.

"Z-Zeref…" Mavis gave him a watery smile before she rushed to his side, draping her body across his bed to give him a tight embrace, "Oh, honey… I'm so happy you're okay…"

"Mavis…" Zeref's voice was raspy as he hugged his wife back, but his eyes were wide as he watched his brother approach, "...Natsu…"

"Hey…" It wasn't as awkward as Natsu thought it'd be as he sat on the side of the bed opposite to Mavis, "You had us real worried, y'know."

It didn't seem like Zeref even took in what he said, his eyes holding despair as he stared. He dropped his head, hugging Mavis tightly as he mumbled, "I'm sorry…"

Natsu knew why he'd be apologizing. He still blames himself for being gone for 10 years, and Natsu understood why, "I've already forgiven you, bro."

Zeref gave a small smile, though his brows knitted together, "...Mavis, you're squishing me." 

"Oh! I'm sorry! I was just so worried…" She gave him a tender kiss before backing away enough to give him some air, "Where is your wound?"

Zeref lifted his top up enough to show his wrapped torso, "I've honestly dealt with worse, so don't worry yourself over it."

"But… How did this happen?" Natsu glared off at nothing. Back in the day, no one would have dared to try something like this, but perhaps people thought his brother had gone soft after being locked up.

"I was walking home from the store, it was a drive-by."

"Wait, so they weren't targeting you?"

"Well, considering I was the only person on the sidewalk, and they stopped shooting after I was hit, I'd say it's safe to assume they were definitely targeting me." 

Now both Natsu and Mavis looked down in deep thought. As Fairy Tail members, they knew they'd have to investigate this thoroughly before getting any authorities involved, "Did you see anything of the person who did it?"

"I'm assuming the car was stolen," Zeref laid back on the bed as he recalled the events, "I don't remember much, but I think it was a man… with blue hair."

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