Chapter 52.5- Cruel

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This bonus chapter contains scenes that may be triggering or unsettling

"Wow! She's so pretty…" Natsu sighed, "This is the only reason why I don't hate Ignia's visits…"

"Huh?" Zeref looked up to see Ignia and Selene sitting on the front porch and smoking, "Ew. She isn't pretty at all."

"You got a girlfriend, so you're just not allowed to say that she's pretty."

"No, Selene isn't a good girl."

"I didn't say she was good. Just pretty."

"Just go inside and do your homework," Zeref shoved his little brother towards the backyard entrance, and gave him a stern look to make sure he complied. 

After Natsu was in the house, Zeref turned and directed his glare to the porch, "Don't smoke here."

"What? You gonna stop us?" Ignia chuckled, "Go ahead and try it."

"Okay." Zeref calmly walked up to them and snatched the cigarettes out of their mouths, and was already walking inside by the time they could react. 

"H-hey!" Ignia stammered, "Ugh, stupid bastard."

"Whatever, let's go to my place," Selene tried to pull him away, but he shook his head. 

"I can't. I gotta stay on this property whenever I visit now." 

"...Fine," She dragged him through the front door, seeing as there was no point in hanging around outside now, "C'mon, let's go to your room before-"

"Ignia," A booming voice called out, "Come here."

"Damn… fuck Zeref for being such a snitch…" Ignia went to get scolded, leaving Selene groaning as she flopped down on the living room couch. 

She was just about to take out her phone when suddenly Natsu walked in, a big dumb smile on his face. "Hey, Selene!"

"...Go away."

"Guess what I got…" He dug into his backpack and pulled a pack of cigarettes, "I wanted to surprise you!"

"Woah, where'd you get this from, kid?" Selene snatched it out of his hand and shoved it into her pocket while making sure Zeref wasn't nearby. 

"I found them in dad's room…" Natsu whispered, his grin getting bigger, "So, am I cool or what?"

"Um… Go away."

"Hey… I was wonderin'..." He looked down, a soft blush dusting his cheeks, "Do you think, when I'm older… would you ever go out with me?"

"Really? You know, I think I just might. I've always thought you were super cute~"

"You do? Really!? So... you'll be my girlfriend?"

"Pfft, in your dreams, twerp. You're so gullible," Selene pushed him away, "I don't think you're cute, you're just annoying. Go play with your dolls or something."

Natsu puffed out his cheeks and stormed back into his room, mumbling under his breath about how girls are cruel.


"Damn… Look at her…" Natsu mumbled as he peered down at the alley, watching as the pretty blonde and Ignia started smuggling what he assumed to be drugs, "So pretty…"

"Ew, are you talking about Selene? Isn't she, like, a major bitch?" Gray shook his head, "I thought you hated her."

"That doesn't make her any less pretty…"

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