Chapter 69- Resolution

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"...And then he said it again! So that's why Natsu suggested we fire him."

"That's a shame. Some people really have no regard for others," Layla smoothed her hand over her daughter's back, "But it was for the better. Now, I can finally put together the wedding we talked about since you were little!"

Lucy smiled brightly, "That's right. Can you believe it? It's amazing how my dream is becoming a reality… Now all I need is a baby, then 12-year-old me will be satisfied."

Layla narrowed her eyes upon the mention of a baby, but she didn't say anything about it. A part of her was absolutely delighted when her daughter asked her to help plan her wedding, albeit under unfortunate circumstances. "Well, I want you two to know that we'll get anything you want. We'll spare no expense."

"Thank you, I seriously appreciate that," Natsu spoke up from Lucy's other side, "It's really kind of you."

"Oh c'mon. Lucy's my baby, of course I'll do whatever it takes to give you guys the perfect wedding. Anyway, I think it'd be best to-" Layla stopped herself, her ears picking up the sound of arguing in the distance. 

It took only a few seconds for her to recognize the sound, and the way Lucy's eyes widened showed that she knew as well. By the front door, Aquarius could be heard arguing with a surprise guest.  

Lucy sprung out of her seat and went to investigate, the fact that her suspicions were correct momentarily shocked her. "Papa?" 

Aquarius and Jude had been fussing with each other, just like they always do. Jude straightened himself out when he saw his daughter approach, and a big smile crossed his face, "Hé, ma petite princesse!"

"Uh…" He pulled her into a hug, though it was a bit awkward, "Why are you here?"

"Ma déesse a invité-"

"Layla told him to come," Aquarius rolled her eyes, "Don't ask me why."

"Oh wow…" Now her father's uncharacteristic optimism was starting to make sense to Lucy. As she made it back to the dining room, she asked, "Mama? Did you invite Papa here?"

"Yes," Layla kept composed, but she couldn't hold it as Jude walked into the room. He had a stupid look on his face, and she couldn't help herself from slightly scowling, "He's here to help with the wedding."

"Yes, I'm sorry to hear about the issues you had with the planner," Jude held Lucy by the shoulders, a surprisingly dejected look on his face, "I shouldn't have hired him."

"Yeah, I don't know what you expected. But you always do shit without thinking." Aquarius grumbled in the corner she'd settled in, purposefully ignoring the glare she received.

Jude didn't dwell on it for too long, his attention was quickly drawn to his ex-wife. She didn't look at him- which was normal- and he leaned down to cup her face in his hand. "Thank you for inviting me."

Lucy nearly had a heart attack at the sight, but she sighed in relief when it turned out that he was only kissing her cheeks in greeting. She could see that Natsu was visibly confused, so she whispered to explain, "It's a French thing."

"Jude," Layla didn't even attempt to smile, "You are here for my- our daughter. Don't make me regret asking you to come."

"You won't, I promise. I will keep my mouth shut until necessary."

"Thank God…"

"Anyways," Lucy spoke up before things could get any more awkward, "Is there anything you had planned..?"

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