Chapter 65- A Step Forward

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"...Huh?" Lucy was at a loss. Here was Selene, completely breaking down and sobbing before her. It just didn't make sense, and it didn't feel right. 

"I'm sorry!" Selene sniffled, wiped her eyes and began to collect herself, "I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you…"

"...You're sorry?" Lucy truly couldn't fathom it, replaying her words in her head over and over, "No you're not…"

"I am! Ever since Ignia went to prison, I've been seeking help for my addiction… The rehab and therapy really helped me to see just what you were going through, and how horrible I was…"

"...You've drugged me before, and you sat by and watched me be beaten countless times…"

"Yes, and I'm so sorry! Please, forgive me..!"

Lucy stood there with a look of pure bewilderment on her face. Of course people can change, but this was just too abrupt. She just couldn't accept that Selene could have a sudden change of heart like this. Her whole relationship with Ignia was dependent on drugs- She supplied him with some, and he gave her different ones in return. 

It was unrealistic for her to just seek help on her own without a support system, and lord knows those 3 friends of hers are no help. Still, she shouldn't even be here in the first place, "Okay, get away from my house. Don't ever come here unannounced again, and… stop spying on my party."

"I know, this is wrong of me, I just wasn't sure how to reach out to you. Then, I heard all the commotion, and I remembered that it's your birthday today… You've never been able to celebrate it, and that wasn't fair," Selene started looking for something in her pockets, causing Lucy's guard to go up, "Here, I brought a gift for you."

Lucy had no intention of taking whatever was in her outstretched hand, but Selene adjusted her hold and let the necklace she was holding dangle, revealing the sapphire and flame pendant. 

It took a moment to register, but when the realization hit, Lucy gasped and snatched the necklace out of Selene's grasp. She held it close to her heart, and after examining it closely, she had to hold back tears. "My necklace… How did you get this..?"

"Ignia told me to keep it after he took it from you. He told me to keep all of your jewelry, actually, because he knew you wouldn't have found it if it was with me. I actually have it all in my car, I can go get them-"

"No, this is all I need. You can leave now." 

"But…" Selene looked away awkwardly, "I really want to make amends, Lucy."

"And I don't. Goodbye."

"Please, I just-"

"If you were really sorry, you wouldn't be pressuring me to forgive you like this. You were an accomplice to some of the most horrible abuse I've ever experienced. I was just talking about how hard it's been to heal from it all. You can't just pop up at my house and expect me to forgive and forget. So, it'll be wise for you to just leave."

Selene didn't seem convinced, which further pissed Lucy off, "Actually, I think I know what this is about… You want me to just welcome you back with open arms so you can use me to help supply your materialism, right? Or maybe you think this'll convince me to let my guard down around you, so you can get some sort of revenge or something? Well you can forget it, I'm not as gullible as you think I am."

"That's not what this is about at all!" Selene pleaded, "I'm really guilty, and it'll just do better for my conscience if you forgave me…"

"Yeah, except this isn't about how you feel. You're still a conceited bitch, regardless of your intentions. Leave before I make you."

Selene began to pout, and that was the last straw. Lucy grabbed her by the hair and began to drag her away, "I can't stand you…" She muttered under her breath, ignoring her cries of pain.

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