Chap. 18

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(Chapter 18)

“Asher!” I called for the billionth time.

He rolled his eyes, again. I've been sitting here for like 15 minutes waiting to re-apply my makeup while Asher does his hair. We need to leave in like 5 minutes, and he's taking forever.

“Your looks fantastic! Now move!” I yelled and tried to push him. But my weak, stick like arms got me nowhere.

“The quiff has to be perfect Andy.” He turned and told me, rolling his eyes, again.

“But why? It's a football game.” I reasoned.

“Yes. One I'm not playing in. And if my hair isn't being hid by my helmet then it needs to look nice for the ladies.” He told me.

“The ladies?” I asked dumbly.

“Andy, honey, I don't go to your school. So none of the girls there know me. So I kind of have to make a good impression.” He explained to me like I was a toddler. Then he turned back around and continued to do his hair.

“That's really stupid.”

He just shrugged.

“Whatever. I'll use the bathroom.” I grabbed my necessary makeup and went to the bathroom to apply it.

10 minutes later we were in the truck, and we were already late.

“We are so late.” I complained. “Like, I am always on time for games. I'm always early actually. You two demons are ruining my life.”

“You're so dramatic.” Noah mumbled to himself as I drove towards the school.

“I heard that.”

“You were supposed to.” I shot him a glare as I stopped at a stopped sign. “Would you just calm down? We're not even that late! The game starts at seven and it's only 6:15.”

“That is late!”

“No it's not.”

“I'm usually there by 6:10.”

“Well it's not my fault you're obsessed with being early to these things.”

“It's important Noah.” I shot him a look telling him not to push it any farther as I parked the truck in it's usual spot.

Then I got out before he had the chance to respond. That conversation couldn't go any farther. Not tonight.

They both got out and followed me to the field, I get a season pass every year and everyone knows I have one. So I walk into the gates and wait for the boys to buy their tickets. When they do, we make our way over to the bleachers, me occasionally greeting the parents of the team and such. When we get to my seat in the front right corner, I see an envelope. It's yellow and has my name on it. I recognize the handwriting immediately and open it up.

Hey Andy! So tonight's gonna be an amazing game because for the second half we're gonna have a special guest. Also, I have a surprise for you later too. So I'll see you before the game, and if I forget to tell you then, you need to come with the team during half time.

Why would I go with the team during half time? And who's the special guest? And what's the second surprise?

“What's that?” Asher asked, peeking over my shoulder trying to read the note.

I turned around to look at the two guys standing behind me. “It's just note from Xa-”

“Andy!” a voice called out from behind me.

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