Chap. 24

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Chapter 24

"You know, you two have had way more practice than me and I still beat you. That is true skill." Uncle Sam gloated as we pulled onto the street.

"Please. You got lucky. I'm the mini golf master." Xander declared and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, even Andy beats you sometimes. "

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" I yelled defensively.

"Come on Andy, everyone knows sports aren't your strong point." Xander explains calmly.

I scoff. "Mini Golf is hardly a sport, and I'm not even that bad at it."

"She's right. She's not that bad." Uncle Sam agrees and I smile. He's actually taking my side for the first time ever. "She's actually much worse." I take that back.

"You guys are so mean to me." I grumble and sink down in my seat.

"So, I have a question." I announce several moments after successfully pushing them off of me, "Why are we going to the aquarium? Like, I'm super excited and all but that's not just a casual everyday thing."

Uncle Sam gives Xander a worried look, and Xander just shrugs. Uncle Sam sighs, but remains quiet afterwards.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Well Andy, don't freak out but we're meeting someone there. Three someones."

"Really? Cool! Who?"

"Well, your sister and her family." My smile drops immediately. Why on earth would we be meeting her? Her kid is alright, and Xander usually gets along pretty well with her husband so he's alright, but her. She is the devil. She's made my life miserable for years. She FINALLY moved away, and now she's back! Even if it's just for a visit, this is quite possibly some of the worst news ever.


"Andy, she's your sister. You don't have to like her, but you do have to love her. And loving her means seeing her occasionally and tolerating her. You can do that." Xander reassures me, but it doesn't help much.

"Tolerate her? How do you tolerate the devil?!?"

"Now she has some good qualities too." Uncle Sam buts in.

"Like what?" I challenge.

He stumbles slightly at first but quickly spits out, "Her kid. He's such a nice boy!"

"He does not count! At all! Seriously, she's horrible. I don't want to see her at all! Let's go home, like right now."

"Absolutely not. She's expecting us. And you guys are blood, sooner or later you're going to need to rely on each other and you need to learn to get along right now. You can bond over the sharks."

"I can't believe you're making me do this."

"Well believe it, because it's happening whether you like it or not."

He was going to regret this. When everything went terribly and he was prying us apart he would regret it.

As soon as we got there and see her stupid face I cringe internally. She really gets under my skin. Like, really really.

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