Chap. 22

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Chapter 22

Someone please just shoot me. Homecoming is supposed to be fun, amazing even. I had mixed feelings about coming, but here I am. Xander and I temporarily worked things out for tonight so we could enjoy ourselves. Now here I sit, ruining the night for both me and Lucas. That's who I really feel bad for, Lucas. He could be having such an amazing time if it wasn't for me and my stupid feelings.

Let's just say I've been a terrible date, the worst actually. I think that Lucas actually really likes me, and I thought that I liked him too. But something's changing. Xander's always been my best friend. And we've always been extremely close, we've always been right next to each other, in sync with each other, mentally and physically. And it's always been amazing. I guess I've always thought that's what it's like to have a best friend, and maybe it is. But I've never thought that what everyone says might be true, maybe it's more than that. Maybe we're more than that.

Tonight Lucas has been everything I've always thought I wanted, he's done everything right. He told me I looked beautiful when I reached him at the bottom of the staircase, he opened doors for me and took me to a fancy restaurant, he's been every girls dream.

"Hey I'm gonna go get a drink, would you like me to get you something?" Lucas asked, causing me to hate myself even more with every word. Why does he have to be so nice?

I shook my head, "No thanks" I tell him with a small smile. It fades quickly and soon he's gone and I'm still sitting here wondering what's going wrong.

My gaze shifts over to the dance floor where I subconsciously search for a pair of warm brown eyes, but they're no where to be seen. I watch the people, all the people, as they all dance together. A good quarter of them are already tipsy or drunk, probably from the punch that our school's bad boy spiked. Even if I hadn't seen him do it, I would know it was him. His name is Evan, and I know from personal experience he's not someone you want to get involved with. He was on the football team in Junior High, and he wasn't bad, but when freshman year came around he was a new person. A new, bad, manipulative, trouble making person. I've always wondered what happened during that summer but I've never felt it was a good idea to ask.

Lucas got back to the table as I began to recall the year Xander and I had befriended him, he became one of us within weeks. But then 8th grade ended, and he stopped calling, then he stopped answering, and so we stopped calling too. Sometimes I think it was for the best, we ended up grounded half the time when we were with him anyway. But still, losing a friend is never easy, no matter the situation.

Lucas remained quiet, just sitting next to me as we've been doing all night. And I just continued to wonder what was wrong with me. Why I had to ruin a perfecty good night, with a perfectly good boy, who has a beautiful smile that perfectly showcases pearly whites paired with the perfect shade of blonde hair. He's absolutely perfect, prince charming if you will.

"Andy!" I turn around to see Cole walking over to me, slightly unsteadily, but he's here.

I stand up and meet him halfway. He pulls me into a hug immediately.

I smile, "You're here."

"And you're not dancing."

"Not at the moment, no I'm not."

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