Chap. 26

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Chapter 26

"We're going to go out to lunch after church today, that okay with you guys?" My mom asks as we walk down the stairs the next morning.

"Sounds good to me." I smile. I love food.

"I'm assuming that's good with you too?" she asks Xander.

"Of course. I love food." He laughs.

"Good, Xander I have your breakfast waiting for you, and Andy your tea is on the counter."

"I still can't believe you guys won't let me eat breakfast with you." I roll my eyes, setting my mug from last night in the sink and grabbing my fresh one from the counter.

"Andy, we are trying to bond." Xander tells me, stepping right in front of me. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"If I do, will you let me have breakfast?" I have to bite my lip to keep a straight face.

"Absolutely not." He deadpans. Then, in one fluid movement he takes my tea, setting it on the island, grabs my legs and throws me over his shoulder.

"Xander!" I shriek, "Put me down!"

"If you'll give me a moment, I need to deal with your problematic daughter." He says, smiling at my mom.

"Have at it." She laughs, "I'm enjoying this!"

"Mom!" I yell, "You're such a traitor!"

At that moment, my sister walks into the kitchen and starts laughing, "What's going on here?"

"Your sister was interrupting Xander and I's bonding time over breakfast so she's being forcefully removed."

"Nice." she laughs along with my mother

"I hate you all."

"Come on, your time being disruptive is over." He begins to walk out of the kitchen when I remember my mug of hot tea sitting on the counter.

"Xander wait! My tea!" I plead. I may sound pathetic but I really want my tea. The colder it gets the more I love it.

"Would you calm down?" he asks as he's walking up the stairs.

"No!" I shriek, "I want my tea. I need my tea."

We reach my room in seconds and he carefully sets me down then smirks at me, handing me my mug. "Did you really think I'd forget your tea?"

I smile, gladly taking it, "Not gonna lie, I was a little worried."

"Well, there's no need to worry, I'd do anything to make you happy."

I quickly glance behind my shoulder to make sure the door is closed and then pull his face down to meet mine. Right before his lips meet mine however, he leans back a bit. "I'm supposed to be downstairs having breakfast with you mother."

"I think she can wait like two minutes."

"If we get caught, this is on you."

"Deal, now shut up."

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