Chap. 15

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(Chap. 15)

(Xander's POV)

“Hey man” I smiled as I walked over to Cole.

“It's good to see you guys, how's the team?” Cole was all smiles, but I could've guessed that. Cole is always all smiles.

“Not the same with out you. But we're trying.”

“I'm sure you guys are fine.”

I looked towards Ryan, sure we won our last game, but it wasn't the same without Cole. And Connor was in no position to play either.

“We're making do.” Ryan assured him.

“Connor told me there was a new guy. Is he any good?” Cole asked, not realizing how many nerves he hit with that question.

“He's great, amazing actually. He was first string and captain at his old school.”

“Wow and he moved away from that?” I nodded. “What position?”

“Mine.” I deadpanned.

Cole sighed and nodded. “I thought so, the bitter tone gave it away.”

“It's just, I wanna like the guy. I just can't”

“I guess I understand that. But you gotta know there's no way he could replace you on this team.”

“I know.”

“Then you don't have to dislike him so much.”

“Okay. I've heard enough.” Ryan interrupted. “Xander, tell the boy the whole story.”

“Whole story?” Cole raised an eyebrow.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” I shook my head, faking confusion. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I just didn't wanna admit it.

“Xander. Share please.”

“Can't we talk about sports?”

“No. We are having a teenage girl moment. Now spill.”

So I told him everything, from Lucas' blonde hair that Andy was undoubtedly attracted to, to our ridiculous lunch with him. Everything.

“So you feel threatened.” Cole reasoned.

“Yea I guess.” I shook my head in disappointment with myself.

“You'll never lose her. Remember that. She is always going to be your Andy. And you are always going to be her Xander.”

We sat there for a few moments until Ryan walked back in, he had to step out when Mads called him.

“Okay so Xander I'm about to ruin your day, your week, and possibly your life.” Ryan said, giving me a sympathetic look.

“Well that's comforting.” I replied nervously.

“I was just talking to Mads, and she kinda told me something that's definitely going to upset you. But you need to just stay calm and we can think of a plan or solution or something.”

So now I'm starting to freak out. I hope Andy's okay. This just isn't like Ryan. He's normally straight to the point.

“Just tell me.” I'm getting way too anxious and can't wait anymore.

“Mads ran into Lucas at the store and so they started talking and were hanging out and he told her that he planned on asking Andy to Homecoming.”

“He can't.”

“And why not?” Cole challenged.

“Because he didn't ask me first.”

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