The Orphanage alliance

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After a trip through the city to an orphanage that is on the other side of the city where it was sad and depressing, Izuku looked out of the window while missing his mother and never got to see his dad ever again, thus he is wondering what to do now, several tears slipped out of his eyes and is feeling fear and loneliness which lasted for months when he was waiting for anyone to adopt him for the temporary situations, thus the car arrived at the orphanage, which looked run down and limited funding.

"Where are we?" He asked the policemen who were taking care of him while failing to find a suitable family to take in Izuku, thus they have to drop him at the orphanage to save some francs for their retirement and pension. They looked at him and sighs. "We are letting you stay here due to you need a better setting than staying at your old home. I am sorry for leaving you here, but we have to think about our own families and our own lives." Police man #1 replied while speaking Japanese and felt sorry for him.

"What will happened to mommy?" He asked him while whimpering and holding his action figurine for comfort and is being let out after they stopped and gone out to set him down to greet the orphange keepers and let him explore the new home while scared of new people to talk to. They didn't answered as they knew he would be more depressed, thus they waited until he was older.

At the airport, the casket of Inko Midoriya is being taken to Japan to be buried as part of respect for the dead and it was part of the peace alliance between France and Japan, thus, she will be closer to her friends and what family she had left.

Meanwhile, Sly was adapting better than ever as long as he have some friends to keep him company, thus they became a band of troublemakers and fought back against the aggressive and mean kids to harm himself with the brawn and loveable hippo, Murray is the most loyal and friendly of the group, while the nerdiest and really cool turtle Bentley, the brains, which is keeping an eye on Sly and Murray to keep them out of trouble, as well as making the best plans ever come up.

Back with Izuku, he was taken in and is scared of the new surroundings as well as not willing to give up his comfort toy before some mean kids surround him to tease and pick on him, not for being quirkless which is a blessing in disguise, but to be a wuss and cry baby. ((Their words not mine.))

"Hey, guys. Lookie at we have here, fresh meat." The leader of the bullies said to the others while it reminded Izuku of Katsuki and his goons back in Japan, which he took the action figure away from Izuku.

"Give him back!! All Might!" Izuku cried while trying to get it back.

"Give me ain't getting!!" The second one chanted while playing piggy in the middle with the other goon and the leader, not being careful of the limited edition action figure and after a while, they dropped it and it broke in pieces, which make him screech in pain and anger before he dropped onto his knees and bawled in frustration and loss of his role model.

"HEY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Sly said as he stood up for him and protected Izuku while leering at them, while Bentley and Murray is standing by his side, which gave the bullies the memo that they are not to be messed with and glared at the new boy. "You're lucky that those crazies are protecting you, but when you are alone, you are dead, camel!!" They shouted before running off and not looking back.

"T-t-thank you." Izuku thanked them while being meek and picking up the broken pieces off the ground, tears leaking out of his eyes, scared of them at first as he flinched at first when he saw a hand held out to him.

"Anytime, kid." Sly replied while being helpful. "What's your name?"

"I-i-izuku Midoriya." Izuku replied while taking his hand and got helped up. "Are you quirkless?"

"Sly Cooper and I don't know what a quirk is, but I am not as mean as those jerks." The raccoon said as he helped him get his bearings straight. "These are my two friends, Bentley the turtle and Murray the hippo."

"Hi." Murray said while giving him a goofy grin at him.

"Greetings, I can tell you are from the far east." Bentley said to him while observing his characteristics and ethnicity of a Japanese origins. "I never seen one before." He admitted as the others nod and are welcoming him into the crew without second thought.

As time goes on by, Izuku is learning how to be a small time thief while getting to know his band of brothers as he was feeling less alone in the world, even if he is away from his home country of Japan, he is wondering if his knowledge of quirks will help Bentley, Murray, and Sly out in the long run as he heard rumors of some of the Clockwerk gang/Fiendish Five members has a quirk user in their mist as the rest are quirkless like himself.

His mumbling was confusing Bentley while he was being taught by him to strategize and plan ahead without being caught by any authority figures in the shadows, which was baffling to Izuku at first while being the sweet and innocent cinnamon roll he is, until Sly explained it to him as he had lost his dad to the Clockwerk Crew/Fiendish Five as they stole the pages of the Thievius Raccoonus, the Cooper family heirloom that he was going to get on his 8th birthday, thus making Sly twice as old as our soon to be hero, Izuku.

Then its Murray's turn to train him to fight and not to rely on others until it is needed as he would be dragging others into a desperate fight that he has to solve on his own, but the driving part is later when they are older.

After 8 years of being in the orphanage, the doors to the place was officially closed and leaving Izuku without a home, but when Sly offered him to live with him, he took the opprotunity to go along with him and feel more protected than ever before, thus starting his adventures as an apprentance theif in training with the mysterious Sly Cooper gang.

While they were teaching him, he showed them his notebooks full of quirk analysis that he obtained from his former homeland and let him explained with hope that they can use it in their capers in the future and give the cops the slip, as well as recorded pro heroes, ie, All Might, Eraserhead, and the other known heroes that he observed from tv, before it brought something that came to Sly's memory on might be useful later on.

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