First Caper

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After 8 years of being in the orphanage, Izuku grew up with Sly, Murray, and Bentley to be more comfortable in testing his skills and stealth, but there is one question that is on his mind: "Who will adopt a 12 year old since I am still quirkless?" As he saw the orphanage being shut down, he was scared of being left alone again, until Sly and the gang stepped up to be his guardians, as it is legal in France to be a guardian to a kid at the age of 16 since it would not be fair for Izuku to be left alone.

"We'll take him along, guys." Sly said as he was leaving the shut down orphanage and is worried for his safety, even if he is hellbent on taking back the missing pages of the Thievius Raccoonus and restore his family name from the death of his dad.

"WHAT?" Both Murray and Bentley asked in shock while confused on why they need to take a kid with them when rumors of the Pro Heroes are coming to France to help out with the Interpol after the up and coming Inspector Carmelita Fox, who has taken on the case of the deaths of Inko Midoriya and Conner Cooper, as well as the Clockwork Gang/Fiendish Five.

"Sly, this is going to be a very bad idea as I don't know if we can keep ahead of the professional heroes from Japan and one dogged determined Fox." Bentley said as he was wary of the idea, "besides its going to lead us to a trap."

"I agree with Bentley as we don't know if he is ready to handle the pressure of any caper we are going to pull off." Murray added as he was scared of the outcome to keep Izuku safe and protected until he is ready for his role in the missions that Sly and Bentley have hatched for years.

"We have no choice unless you want him in the system for the rest of his teenager hood and more screwed up than most kids until he is 18 and in a life of worse crime than we are pulling, besides we owe him one for giving us some tips on avoiding those 'Pro Heroes' that might be on patrol and also, his gift of mumbling can give us an edge in distracting the guards long enough to fight them and get away with the loot." He countered while putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder before speaking with him. "Hey Izuku, do you want to come with us? You might be a valuable member to the Cooper gang and will have a big adventure."

"Really? Can I come along?" He asked in awe while his precious eyes glittered like diamonds in the rough, as he wanted to explore the world outside the orphanage with his friends.

He nods and smiles. "Of course, a Cooper honor to have you with us."

"Only under one condition." He said as he made up his mind of thinking about it for a few minutes.

"What's that?" Sly asked him while curious.

"Instead of Midoriya, can you give me the name of Cooper? Since I wanted to have a brother of my own." He asked him while wanting to be a part of the Cooper clan.

Sly chuckled while smiling softly and patting him on the head. "Sure, Izuku. Welcome to the Cooper clan." He got Bentley to search onlne for guardianship paperwork to fill out as they are on their own, which ironically was simple to fill out and make copies in the library to send to the courts and also to keep in the glove box in the van they obtained after a few weeks of being on ther own.

Izuku was a bit grossed out on how Murray ate while on the road, but he learned that its part of who he is, even from the orphanage days, so he doesn't questioned it at all.

"Ok, everyone, since tonight is the night for our little ruse, we need all the cooperation we can get, since this will drive the Pro Heroes out and let Sly sneak into the office of Interpol to retrive the files from one Carmelita Fox, so Izuku, we need you to be the lookout and if you are in a situation, give Murray the signal to get picked up immediately as well as letting Sly know the location of a new place to pick him up without getting caught, understood?" Bentley said as he planned out the caper down to the minute detail.

"Got it as no one would questioned a 12 year old tourist that is hanging around the Interpol building at the dead of night." He said as he agreed to the plan and got a communicator-like spy glasses that Bentley have been working on for years and got the bugs out.

"Use this, in case something really goes wrong, ok?" He said as he wanted this work out successfully.

"Thank you, Bentley." He said to him as he put it away in his backpack before realizing that he is wearing it out as it was originally his mother's when she was in school. "I miss you so much, mom, but I have to move on to be with my adopted brother, Sly, but one day, I will be coming back for you and we will be reunited."

The Cooper Gang with IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now