Episode 2: Sunset Snake Eyes pt. 2

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While Mesa City was a wasteland and silent, what the Cooper Gang didn't know that the Pro Heroes broke in and started a lot of fights with the guards while looking for the children and giving the place quite a beating.

"Sly, we are now in trouble as the Pro Heroes are here before us and now we are almost in jeapordy if we jumped in, but I have a plan to sneak behind the Pro Heroes and look for Muggshot before they do." Izuku said as he observed the fighting in the distance and see open paths that the Pro Heroes haven't covered and thus told Sly his plan.

Bentley was mapping it out while keeping his head in the game and nods while appreciating for his diligence and observation, thus he gave Sly a few hints of sneaking past the fights and get some gold at the same time.

Which is happening at this time, Midnight was releasing a good amount of sleeping gas from her skin ie her quirk to put about a small portion of the guards to sleep while Present Mic yell to another part of the guards which he is blasting their ears and send them into the wall to hold them in place. Eraserhead fought closer while trying to use his quirk on the guards and realized that they are all quirkless, thus he was at a loss before using his training to fight hand-to-hand, meanwhile Ingenium and All Might were looking around for any signs for the missing children and thus, they were failing.

Above the carnage, Sly and Izuku were sneaking by and heading towards to Muggshot's headquarters and is being more cautious while using the power lines and clothes lines to keep out of the fight and took care of loose ends before jumping into the headquarters of Muggshot, which they had to take cover when the muscle of the Fiendish Five firing a pair of tommy guns at them.

"Come on out, raccoon!! You can't hide forever!!" He shouted while aiming at the pillars of the building that were standing in between the Cooper brothers and himself.

As he was distracted, the wall behind him was crumbling from someone or something was ramming against it and a booming voice was heard after the wall was broken in, wind was blowing at him.

"Never fear for I am Here!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!" The #1 Pro Hero, All Might came in and is posing while laughing before he was punched in the face by the power house Muggshot and was caught off guard of the strength of the quirkless villain against a strong pro hero thus it was a clash of titans while Sly and Izuku were watching in the background.

"Holy, you weren't kidding about the Pro Heroes, Izuku as this is nuts." Sly said before noticing the papers were sticking out from the back pocket of Muggshot's pants, thus he was about to sneak up and steal it when Izuku held him back as he has an idea to let All Might take care of the fight while the tornado like ability of his punches to blow the pages up to their level and he'll catch them before they leave the clue behind.

"Sounds like a good idea, so let's get ready for the execution of the plan soon, Izuku." He nods and is waiting patiently.

"Texas Smash!!" He shouted while throwing his fists at Muggshot.

"Chicago Bash!!" Muggshot countered while keeping in step with the Pro Hero while the wind pressure was blowing from the clash of fists, which blew the papers away from his pocket and it blew up to the higher level, thus giving Sly the chance to catch them and is successful in his timing.

"Got it!!" He said to Izuku before pulling out his calling card. "Come on, let's get out of here before Inspector Fox gets here to a poor planned attack on this place."

"Yeah coming!!" He said before turning away from the fight and losing his own faith in the Pro Hero as he knew that he can't catch up to a gang of thieves and their quest to regain the honor of the Cooper Clan.

After a while of clashing fists, All Might got the upper hand with the Carolina Smash and giving Muggshot the knock out blow and was panting from a long strain of the fight.

"I'll admit to that, you gave me a run for my money, especially for a quirkless fighter." He said as he wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand before standing up and using a rope to tie Muggshot up and is victorious.

After the goons were captured, Sly and the gang slipped away and was lucky to not get harmed by the violence and have the pages before they blew away from the wind.

"That was a close one, Sly and I was surprised that we managed to slip away with just the pages and limited amount of money from the goons." Murray commented while driving away from Mesa City with the van in tact.

"Agreed but it did give us a heads up of what the Pro Heroes would do if we fought them so I think we should be thanking Izuku for giving us the intel on the Pro Heroes before we fought them." Sly said while chuckling.

"Aww... Thanks you guys." He said while scratching the back of his head in sheepishness.

-Meanwhile with the Pro Heroes and Carmelita Fox-

She was having the worse hissy fit that everyone was seeing in their heroic career, yet they felt ashamed for jumping in without a plan and she was literally giving them hell while enraged and thus, she gave Muggshot more punches in the head to release some penned up rage before calming down.

"You won't get to Mz Ruby, punks." He cackled while face full of bruises, busted lip, and a black eye.

"What did you say?" Ingenium said as he lifted the villain up by the collar. "Where are the missing children?"

"The only place that her 'quirk' is the most dangerous and they will be her slaves forever! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" he cackled before being put to sleep from Midnight's sleeping gas and passed out.

The other Pro Heroes and Inspector Fox were having cold feeling coming up their spines and is wondering what he means.

Now we are getting to the next and exciting part that most fans love to play again and again, due to the most favorite member of the Fiendish Five to fight and level to use to hunt for secrets.

As for the Pro Heroes, it was a last minute idea to give Sly a breather to sneak past and continue looking for Muggshot and is really impressed with myself in having the #1 Pro Hero fight against Muggshot and like the clash of the titans, thus Clockwerk was getting more and more afraid of his plans are falling apart. (Spoilers, I apologize for that.)

Please Read and Review while letting these words soak into your minds. Thank you and have a good morning/day/night/whenever you are at in the world.

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