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Coreyon POV: Continued

"Alright that'll be 150$" Messiah told my father while I was checkin him out the whole time. My father took out his wallet and got out the exact amount plus ah 10 dollar tip.

"Alright see y'all" my father said waving while I just kept my head in my phone.

"Aye" Messiah called me back making me turn around "you left yo drink in there" he said pointing to the room we just came out of. I rolled my eyes and my dad smacked me in the back of my head and told me to go get it "I'll wait fa yo ghetto ass inna car" I just mugged him and went back there.

Messiah followed me back there and I spotted my drink and picked it up.

"Thanks" I mumbled and started walking back to the front of the shop "aye shorty" messiah called me back "hm?" I asked lookin up from my phone "Lemme get yo number" he said and I looked at him.

"No" I said turning around and then actually thinking about it "nvm" I said giving him my phone on the number thingy.

He took it and looked at me licking his lips and shaking his head "here" he said while I nodded and left getting in the car with my father.

"I'm going out tonight so don't do no stupid shit" my dad told me while driving makin ah left "can Rakeem come ova?" I asked him and he shrugged "ion care" he said " and if you gone smoke open the windows!" He said pushin me while I mugged him "cause youan even have ta do dat" I said while he rolled his eyes "I'm dead ass tho open ah window" he said while I nodded "Ight"

♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛

Rakeem had come over and was sitting on my couch eatin my damn chips while I mugged him.

"You always comin ova here eating my shit up like tf?" I accused him while he rolled his eyes at me and went back to eating my chips smackin in my ear.

"You disgust me" I said while he waved me off and went back to watchin uncle grandpa. No on some real shit pizza Steve could get it.

"I'm finna go get ah koolaid jammer" I got up and left my phone on the couch.  "Get me one!" Rakeem yelled and Ian respond cause he's ah fat ass.

I reached down into the refrigerator and squated down low pullin the box outta da fridge as I picked out two grapes.

"Messiah txt you!" Rakeem said laughing at my phone while I mugged him coming back over and hitting him in his shit.

"Cause it ain even dat funny" I mumbled while giving him his juice.

Messiah👀: Shorty?
Read 7:25 pm

Ngl I was geeked asl dude txt me but I wasn't finna show it I threw ma phone back over not caring and continued on watching uncle grandpa wit Rakeem. My dad came down the stairs.

"Alright yo parents know you hea?" He asked Rakeem while he nodded and turned his head back to the side watching the tv "yes sir" he said and my dad nodded "Ight don't cause no trouble and remember open up the windows" he said takin his keys and going out the door.

"Man yo pops coo asl about you smokin" Ra said rollin up already wit his pothead ass "Yeah he said he rather me smoke where he know I'm safe den anywhere else" I told him while straight facing him as he lighted up.

He passed it to me and we kept doin that and we smoked three or four blunts after that I can't remember.

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

This nigga Rakeem was ova here staring at ah wall touchin it and I was laughing high as ah mf when I gotta idea.

Imma ft messiah.

The call started and Ian think he was gone answer until he did seein the connecting at the bottom of his name I pulled up my jacket I was usin as ah cover since Ian feel like getting up.

"Yo" he said without lookin at the camera and I laughed at him "who dis?" He asked me while I mugged him "nigga it's me Coreyon" I said my full name fa no reason cause I felt like it.

He looked at the camera then back to whatever he was doin then back at me "lil nigga you high" he asked me while I pressed my lips together and tried not to laugh but my eyes started watering up and I busted out laughin "no" I said tryin to catch my breath.

"Yeah you high" he mumbled going back to what he was doing "what you doin messy?" I asked him puttin that nickname at the end of it cause I wanted to be funny today.

He looked at the camera rollin his eyes "sketchin these tattoos" he told me while I nodded and randomly mumbled ah song "He called me messiah da way He floated in my ocean" I mumbled making him smile "what?" He said "huh?" I acted confused not tryna get caught.

He looked at me befo laughin "you funny asl" he said making me nod "Ik" I said yawning while lookin over at Rakeem he was now in dis weird ass position laying upside down and holding his hands together in prayer form "the weed gods have summoned me" he kept mumbling ova and ova.

I shook my head and looked back over "you pretty asf" messiah said outta kno whea makin me roll my eyes and turn my head no I was not blushing.

Maybe I was.

"Yeah ok" I whispered while yawning and he licked his lips pickin his phone up befo turnin the shop lights off and going out into his car.

"Naw for real doe what schoo you go to?" He asked me while I answered him for real this time "Demen rich high" I told him while he nodded "Ian go there I just moved here" he said making me mug him "Ian ask" I mumbled while he shrugged "ion gaf" he said while I nodded.

"Whea yo dad?" He asked me while i shrugged "he went out for today ion really kno" I explained to him while he nodded his head "i-" I got cut off by Rakeem Fallin ova "Yo dumb ass!" I said laughin hard asl.

"Up shut" he said while I looked at him and he looked at me then we both busted out laughin.

Once we calmed down Rakeem went to go sleep on the couch I had in my room and I stayed down the stairs and opening the windows since my dad said he was gone be back in like 20 minutes.

Me and messiah stayed on the phone learning shit about each other till it was time for me to go to sleep since I was gettin tired den ah mf.

"You finna go to sleep?" He asked me while I yawned and layed down "this couch so soft" I said while he chuckled "yeah lil baby go to sleep" I heard him say while I mumbled "ain no baby" befo going to sleep.


𝖁𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙🤍

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