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Messiah POV: The next day

"Thugga" I shook Cory and he hummed me "you wanna go ta Wendy's?" I asked him and he shook his head "my legs hurt" he mumbled and closed his eyes.

"Whatchu want den?" I asked him and he shook his head again "ion want nun messy" He said and I smacked my lips "aight so 6 piece chicken nuggets or 10?" I ignored his otha statements.

"6" he muttered and turned around "and get me a small fry" He told me and I nodded "get used ta walkin im takin you to da mall" I told him and he mumbled an "okay" and I walked out tha door.

"Are you the-" I mugged the dude that I punched earlier "I was just going to say be quieter I could hear you and your boyfriend fuckin" he said and I rolled my eyes and shrugged "you jealous?" I asked him and his face got red "I-I-you-no" he stuttered.

"I-I-you-you in the closet mf, stop talkin ta me and worry bout yo self" I said shakin my head and walking away "gay ass" I mumbled and chuckled.


"Alright sir that will be 25.50" The cashier told me and I nodded "pull up to the window" She said and I drove off and accidentally missed the first window and went up to the second one.

"Here you are sir" the dude handed me the bag of food and I took it.

I looked back and seen no one callin me back.

"Hea you go" I gave him ah dollar and drove off.


"Messy you stole!" Cory said eating da chicken nugget so I mugged him "you shole eatin dat stolen food" I said shruggin biting my burger and he rolled his eyes.

"What time it is?" He said and I looked at the clock "2:30" he nodded his head and kept eating.

"Imma go take ah shower" he finished his last nugget and hopped up only in his underwear. I stuffed the burger in my mouth and right when he was bout ta close the door I hopped in the bathroom.

He laughed at me and shook his head "you doin da most" he said and I cheesed at him "byeeee" he said and I licked my lips.


"You can stop lookin like dat" I told Cory "my legs hurt and these ppl lookin at me funny" He said whining we in da mall and I fucked befo we came "Boo bitch!" He yelled at another person while walkin bo-legged "Hush!" I said and snatched him up.

We was standin in line when this dude came up. He was short, braces and lightskin but I wasn't payin no attention.

"Hey I like yo shirt" He said and i nodded "thank you" I mumbled and picked up ah shirt that looks like Cory's Size.

Cory mugged him and he walked away. He looked ova at me and turned his head makin me sigh,  he finna do some extra shit.

"You want anything else?" I asked him and he shook his head "Naw I just want some foood" he said sharply and I rolled my "you doin da most" I mumbled "what?" He turned around and I shook my head "nun I said ight" I said and he looked me ova befo noddin.

We was back at the hotel.

"Yeah dad" Cory was on the phone wit his dad after hearin what happened between him and his momma. In my opinion fuck that bitch.

"We stayin hea until it's time ta leave" Cory spoke again "hell yeah" he said makin me scrunch up my face.

"Alright" Silence "love you too" More silence "bye" he hung up the phone and mugged me "what!" I asked him and he got up and so did I.

"I like your shirt" He mocked the dude from earlier "thank you" he mocked me "Shut yo dumb ass up" he mushed my head and walked away ta da bathroom.

"Cory!" I snatched him back and put my hand on his throat "lemme go" he said tryin ta get my hand off his neck and I squeezed tighter "look at me" I forced his chin up and he looked at me.

"I wasn't even payin attention ta him" I told him bringin him closa "I was lookin fa ah shirt fa yo ass" I said and he bit his lip.

Got em.

"Now cut tha fuckin attitude" I said and was about ta let him go "Or what?" He asked me and I breathed in.

"Now cut tha fuckin attitude" I said and was about ta let him go "Or what?" He asked me and I breathed in

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Take ah deep breath- Author

"What?" I asked him backin him into the bed "Or what?" He egged me on and i knew he just wanted some dick but Ian gone give it ta him. I smirked in his face.

Pushin him down on the bed I kissed his neck makin him inhale and he heart go faster. I kept kissin on his neck and he let out ah moan making me smile.

"You wanna have ah attitude huh?" I asked him while slidin his pants off "fa what?" I asked him while slidin his Underwear off and kissin his thigh "answer me" I told him "I-Ouu" he Moaned while I licked him.

Cory liked to be fucked like ah slut- Author

"Messiahhhh" He moaned out and I hummed makin him put his hand on my head and his leg as around my shoulder "o-ok!" He was cryin now while I was pumpin my fingers in and out.

"What you cryin fa?" I asked him while his legs shook and he came on my fingers.

He was sniffling while I gave him ah short kiss and he pushed me away "moveee" he whined while I picked him up "what's da matter? You had all that talk ah few min ago" I said and he smacked his lip and hid his face in my neck.

"Shut up" his voice was muffled but I still heard him.

"Wanna bath?" I asked him sittin him on the Bathroom counter "yeah" he mumbled and sniffed again "stop cryin" I said wipin his face.

"Lemme lone" he said and I ran the water puttin my hand under it ta see if it was hot enough, it was so I put the plug in and let it run.

I walked up in between his legs and put my hands on his thighs rubbin them up and down.

"I'm sorry" he said and I nodded and kissed him "you good, don't do it again" I said and he nodded his head.

"Aight let's get in"

Y'all welcome. Nasty asses.


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