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Coreyon POV: Continued

Messiah had picked up da ice fa me and atp I was really just ova hea sniffing and shit. I real life hate dat damn nigga. He fucks everything up and I can't neva be great as long as he around.

"Don't worry bout this" messiah said while I nodded "I'm still sorry" I said while he shook his head "it's all good" he threw away the ice inna trash can.

"Come on imma take you home" he said while I nodded and got up walking with him with my head down. I just wanted ta go the fuck ta sleep.

We got inna car and messiah put his hand on my thigh again and I leaned back in the seat, breathing in and out. I knew my face was red asf it always got like dat even kno I was black.

"Lil baby" messiah said while I looked ova "hm?" I asked now tired "ion kno whea you live" he told me while I nodded and sent him my address offa my phone.

He just kept rubbin my thigh and that shit made me hella tired. It was soothing asf and I was damn near passed out ion even remember the whole car ride.

"We here" messiah said shaking me awake and I looked out at my house. I nodded and got out da car "you good?" He asked me while I nodded "imma call you later alright?" He asked me while I nodded again "words" he said sternly while yawned "yeah" I mumbled while he nodded and waited till I got inside the house ta pull off.

"Dad?" I shouted seeing if he was still at work and Ian get no answer so I assume he still was. My dad sometimes hadda work ova time so Ian really was trippin.

"I'm tired" I mumbled to no one but myself and laid straight on my face in my bed. I kept dozing off and then boom I was sleep.

•2 hours later•

"Messy👀 messy two looking eyes is FaceTiming you" my phone said making me groan and get it from my back pocket. Answering it I face it at the ceiling and laid back down so I couldn't see messiah.

"You good" he asked me while I nodded then remember he couldn't see me "yeah I'm good" I said while taking off my jacket and my pants now I was just inna shirt and my boxers.

"Alright whatchu doin?" He asked me while I got under my covers with the phone in my hand "I'm going back to sleep" I said while he mugged da camera and I shrugged "what?" I whined while he just looked up "you been sleep dis whole time and you still sleepy?" He asked me while I nodded "you gone stay on da phone wit me?" I asked him while he shrugged and nodded "yeah" he said while I nodded and fell asleep again.

"Man you ah bitch fa dat!" Messiah yelled while I mugged the camera "nigga mute yo self I'm tryna sleeeeeeep" I said while he tapped his phone and I couldn't hear him anymore. So I yawned and went back to sleep like ah Real ass nigga.


I woke up and it was like 10 pm and messiah was still on the phone. He was still muted but he looked like he just woke up and was eating something.

I got up and he noticed unmuting himself "you-" he started ta ask me but I stopped "If you ask me if I'm good one mo fuckin time imma hang up on yo ass" I said while he mugged me and looked back at the tv.

I walked downstairs wit the phone in my hand and looked inna freezer and seen some pizza rolls making me do ah happy dance and get ah paper plate putting dem in da microwave.

As I was waiting on them I looked at Messiah fine ass I was staring hard as hell and I could see myself to "why you starin?" He asked me not takin his attention offa da tv "cause you fine asl" I said while he looked at me then chuckled "thank you shorty" he said while i nodded my head and pulled my head up lookin at how much time my pizza rolls got left.

"Whatchu watchin?"I asked him while he looked at the tv "Gravity falls" he mumbled while I nodded my head "dipper if youn go wit yo gruncle stan" he said while I laughed at him "stupid asl"'I mumbled gettin da ranch outta the fridge and opening the microwave.

"Put yo pistol back cock it Gdk drop it" I sung that song polo g was singing on TIKTOK while Messiah was staring at me "nigga what?" I shook my head at him "it's ah song" I said while he nodded his head.

I kept eating my pizza rolls and looking at him. How da hell can one man on earth b so fuckin fine dis not addin up.

"Say wat yo name is?" I said doing da dice roll at messiah while he laughed at me "sitchyo lil ass down" he said then looked around "not him tryna pick me up" he mumbled shakin his head at me while I laughed and did ah Italian accent "you almost made me drop my croissant" I said holdin up my pizza roll that I almost Dropped.

"Cory pls gtf" he said while I rolled my eyes going up stairs "I'm finna rewatch grownish" I whispered to myself it sounded like ah good fuckinnn idea "naw imma just rewatch season 3" I talked to myself some mo.

"Cory Ik you not sittin ova hea speakin to yo self?" Messiah asked me while I mugged him "you see me?" I asked him while he nodded "yeah I see you we sittin hea lookin like two-" I cut him off by laughin cause I know what that tik tok sound was.

"Your dumb asf"'I said while i laid back down eating the last of my pizza rolls.

I turned on my tv and started playing it signing grownish theme song "WATCH OUT BITCH IM GROWN NOW!" I Yelled at nobody while Messiah mugged me "Shut up Mabel boutta have her first kiss" he said while I smacked my lips but obliged.

Yeah he's giving what supposed to be gave.

This was ah borin chapter. I just wanted them to vibe in dis chapter. So y'all can see Cory ain't all mean and Messiah is well.....Messiah.


𝖁𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙🤍

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