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Coreyon POV: 1 week later

"Cmon for we late" I dragged Messiah behind me. He was bein ah fuckin baby about comin ta go see my mma but in reality I just wanted the free food. Look I dislike my mother very much but she can cook so shit.

"She said she'll pick me up inna gray car" I said searching and Messiah wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head down on my shoulder.

I looked around and seen the car "that's ha" I pointed and Messiah groaned and got up.

He was sleepy from the plane ride but Ian gaf getchyo buff ass and come on.

"Why she ain't get out?" Messiah asked me and I shrugged "She probably to embarrassed ta be seen wit me but ion give no fucks wit ha crackhead ass" I said and messiah popped me in my mouth makin me mug him.

"Wtf you do dat fa?" I asked him and he shook his head "you got ah reckless ass mouth" He said and I shrugged "that's how I got you Ian complainin" we grabbed our bags and hopped inna backseat of the car.

"Who is this?" My momma asked and I mugged ha "no hi" I said "damn" I mumbled and looked up from my phone "This my li yeah Messiah" I said and she smacked ha lips.

"You wasn't supposed ta bring no one else" She turned her lips up in disgust "Especially not your boyfriend" she said and I smacked my lips.

"Do you want me hea or not cause me and my boyfriend can go home" I said and she scoffed turnin ha head and starting da car. "How's Rakeem?" She asked and I smacked my lips puttin my leg over Messiahs "Ion gaf bout dat nigga" I told her and she shook ha head.

"What you do?" She asked me makin ah left while I looked up "unt unt why it always gotta be me" I said raising my voice a lil and Messiah rubbed my leg.

"Cause it is!" She exclaimed and I scoffed "you always starting shit!" She told me while I shook my head and sat back in disbelief "So you sayin him fuckin my ex was my fault this whole time?" I asked her and she stumbled over ha words "I-you-he" she kept stumbling "ah ah you you-oh now youn got nun ta say" I said.

"It don't matter coreyon" She used my full name makin me clench my fists "You always got sumn ta say and if you don't like it you get mad about it and storm out" She told me and I laughed "Yeah just like you did wit me and my father except I didn't do no drugs" Messiah gripped my thigh and I looked ova at him and he gave me a look.

I held his stare but he won so I broke eye contact rolling my eyes and I sat back puttin my head on his shoulder while my mother stayed silent.

That's right bitch you should be ashamed.


"We're here" she grumbled and got out while Messiah grabbed our bags and got out on my side.

"Atleast the nigga you fuckin is rich" I said lookin at the house it was big asf.

She looked ova at me and gave me ah glare and I shrugged. Ion gaf you really wasn't ah mother figure and you basically forced me ta come hea soooo.

"Follow me" she said like weon kno whea the front door is "take your shoes off at da door" she said and we nodded and walked with ha.

Messiah put his hand around my shoulder and I put my hand in his.

"Baby!" My momma yelled and I rolled my eyes takin my shoes off "in here!" I heard another voice and I scoffed.

She walked into the kitchen and i guess we just followed ha.

We looked at them and seen them kissin. I looked away feelin tears form. My monthly was probably comin up making me remember what day it was.

It's just weird ta me ta think that my momma couldn't give me the life I wanted- growin up with a mother- but she could give kids that she didn't even raise ah better life then me. In all honesty it's selfish and inconsiderate and I'm only hea bc ion want ha to get custody and for da food.

"Coreyon Come say hi to my husband Mark" She said makin me scoff and roll my eyes "be nice" I heard Messiah bend down and whisper and I rolled my eyes again "Wassup" I head nodded catching Mark off guard "hello!" He greeted me friendly reaching his hand out while I just stared at it my eyebrows raised.

Ik messiah told me ta be nice but this was skin ta skin contact wit ah random, no thank you.

"Messiah" Messiah said accepting the handshake while Mark looked confused "Tammy you didn't tell me you had another son" he said turning back to her and I laughed "so you didn't tell him about me being gay?" I asked her and she glared at me.

Mark turned back to me with his eyebrows raised up "oh your...gay?" He asked me and I nodded "this my boyfriend" I'm mumbled and he laughed "oh..well I have to get back to cooking it was nice meeting you...the both of you" Mark said and I nodded my head.

"This is the guest room" my mom took me upstairs and showed us the guest room "And here is the next one" she said while I drew my eyebrows in "whatchu talkin bout "next one"?" I asked ha and she Rolled her eyes.

"It's obvious you guys are not sleepin together I don't think your father let you guys together in the same bedroom" She said while I scoffed "Naw baby your wrong he let us sleep together plenty of times and I've slept over his house we don't need anotha room" I told her while she looked shocked.

"So this is your lover?" She asked me and I laughed "Ma shut up, you sound dumb I said "sleep together" did I say fuck?" I asked her and she winced "get over it I'm gay and I have ah vagina you act like it's the end of the world and you should wanna love me more since I'm your only child" I told her while she smiled and turned going downstairs.

"Tf was that?" Messiah asked. Sometimes I forgot he was hea how quiet he is "ion kno must be the crack" I said sittin on the bed "close da door" I told him and he did and turned off da lights.

We cuddled up and went ta sleep.


"Come on its time to eat!" Mark said behind the door. Atleast he respected privacy either that or he didn't want ta walk in on us fuckin.

"Ok!" I shouted back and Messiah shifted his body "bae" I shook him and he ain't wake up "stink stink" I pushed him he still ain't wake up so I grabbed his ear "Messy!" I shouted and he hopped up huffin and shit in ah fightin stance while I laughed.

"That ain't funny" he mugged me and I laughed "come on we gotta go eat" I said and he nodded as we made our way down the stairs.

"Breanna, Will" we entered da room as my mother talked "this is my son Coreyon" she said still usin my full name.

"And who is he?" Breanna the girl asked biting her lip so I mugged her "that's Messiah?" My mother said and he nodded his head "Yes that's Messiah his boyfriend" she cleared her throat at the word boyfriend.

"All the good ones are gay" She mumbled "heon want you, ya little snow bunny" I said out loud but I was supposed ta think it.

"Cory!" My mother shouted and I sat down next ta Messiah while he put his hand on my thigh.

We were 15 minutes into da dinner and my mother had an announcement.

"Me and Mark are...havin another child!" She said standin up and puttin her hand on her belly and showin off her little belly.

My lips quivered and I sucked it back and slammed my hand on the table storming up the stairs.

Fuck her.


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