Chapter 13

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'Wake up, Y/N.' I heard a voice from a distance, after a while I realized it was Octavia calling for me.

Slowly gaining full consciousness again, I felt my head pounding and my ears ringing. The explosion had me blacked out for a long time and now the sky was already dark.

'You feel alright?' She whispered as she laid on the ground. 'Don't move, the patrols are watching us from above.'

'Don't worry, I wouldn't be able to move even if I wanted to.' I whispered back and sighed. 'They shot my leg earlier before the explosion.'

'We should try to move when the lights aren't hitting us. I'll help you up.' Seeing the pattern from the lights going left and right, it seems as though they were detecting Wonkru with them. 'They won't see us when the lights aren't flashing this way.'

With my cheek against the ground, I tried looking around without moving anything but my eyes. 'Where's Bellamy?'

'I don't know, I haven't seen him. Maybe he escaped because I haven't seen Indra either.' I was scared that once we try to rush off to meet with the others, we'll discover Bellamy dead on the ground.

'Stop, don't think like that. You have that look on your face.' Octavia breathed as she watched my facial expression, 'Bellamy is okay. We have to worry about getting out of here first. Can you get up?'

'Why are you so eager to save me, O? Are you genuinely caring or are you scared to face war alone?' It was stupid of me to bring this up now at a life-or-death moment but it just blurted out; I couldn't keep nice with her anymore and needed to let everything out.

Octavia raised her voice but still in a low tone. 'Of course I want to save you. How can you say that?'

Her voice had a harsher tone but her face said it all; she feared something. All of what was happening right now scared her.

'You're scared, just admit it. We know each other too damn well to lie to so jus-'

'Okay! I'm scared. Is that what you want to hear? Damn it, you're going to have to get the fuck up or we're both going to die here tonight.'

After years of putting up a front, we were both finally honest; six years after hiding our true feelings, I knew how uneasy that was for her to admit everything and show her vulnerability. All of it was hard for me too, doing the same thing to Bellamy.

Letting all the anger out probably made us both feel better because now, it was quiet between us. Shortly realizing we had to get moving, I finally spoke up. 'I-I don't know if I can make it, my leg is pretty messed up.'

Octavia crawled slowly next to me as she gripped on my hips tightly. 'We go together when the next light passes.'

Both of us eyed the light that flashed across the dark area, going left and right. When the light finally left our sight, I quickly got up even when the pain was nearly unbareable.

'Now!' Octavia whispered loudly as she practically carried me across to the big boulder that would be able to cover us from the search light.

'Y/N? Octavia?' Bellamy turned to us, 'I thought you guys made it out. You guys okay?'

Both mine and Octavia's eyes widened, scared that we ran into one of McCreary's men. I was also surprised to see him still here.

'Y/N is hurt, really bad.' Octavia replied to her brother as she slowly set me down against the boulder. 'What should we do now?'

Bellamy chuckled in frustration, 'We? You're the one that got us in this mess. You can figure this out on your own.'

'I tried, okay? And I'm sorry. Can we please just find a way to get us all out in one piece please?'

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