Chapter 2

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~6 hours later~

3rd person POV

6 hours have passed since the accident. There's been no sign of improvement on Akane's health. Ranma and the rest we're stressed. They couldn't keep still, Genma and Mr.Tendo fighting over and over about the name of their grandchildren, Kasumi reading a book. And Nabiki was on her cell phone, probably texting her boyfriend of 2 years.

Everyone seemed calm on the outside, yet inside they were crying. Akane, the one who brought laughter into their lives. Akane, the tough one who inside had the biggest heart any girl would be jealous of.

Ranma's POV

They wouldn't let me in. They said I would only be a distraction, that I'd only make her suffer more. I never wanted that...I never wanted this.

The day we found out that Akane, my newly wedded wife, was pregnant was the one of the most happiest days of my life.

Memory still fresh and flowing through my mind like that days 9 months ago was only yesterday, I let myself be engulfed by the memory.
Pacing the floor in front of the bathroom door, I waited impatiently. My hands itched, wanting to find something or more like someone to make into my punching dummy.

For a week Akane hasn't be feeling well, everything she'd eat meant a few hours later it'd all just come back up. Days later, I had taken her to Doctor Tufu, Akane's former crush, and he'd asked her a few questions.

An hour into the appointment, we had found out that Akane's menstruation cycle, or her period was how she'd explained it, was late by a few weeks. Now me, being my stubborn and simple minded self, didn't see any harm in that. I mean, come on! Her not bleeding from her lady parts was a good thing, right?

That was when Dr. Tofu gave the suggestion that she might be pregnant. After a long and embarrassing story about the birds and the knees, or whatever sh*t they call it now adays, he had gave us a few pregnancy tests to see if his theory was right.

Walking home in silence, I folded my hands behind my head and looked down at her from my place on the fence. Akane's hand clenched around the paper bag she now held, her eyes looking around in panic.

"Why so sad," I jumped down in front of her. Leaning in to give myself a better look, I noticed unshed tears in her eyes.

"'s nothing to worry about, " she murmured, making an attempt to side step around me. Getting In her way once again, I didn't let her pass until I knew what was wrong .

"Ranma, let me through! Kasumi must be worried by now!"

"No, for all I care she could worry as much as she'd like. But that doesnt mean I'm going to let you pass until you tell me what's wrong."

Anger clear on her face, she sniffed softly. The tears crawled from her eyes and slowly made its way fown her cheeks, the bag falling loose from her grip.

"Hey...wait, come on. Don't cry on me," I looked around, an old lady glaring at me once her eyes had been set on Akane.

Her eyes lowering, she whimpered lowly.

"I...I'm sorry, I can't help it." She took a deep breath, getting ready to explain. "'s just what if I am pregnant Ranma? What will happen then? Am i...are we ready for a child? We just got married a few months ago...and with you getting ready to take over my dad's Dojo, we'll be to busy trying to get through all this!"

Processing over what she said, I placed my hand on her cheek and lifted her face so I could look into the eyes I've never gotten tired of seeing. My thumb brushed over her cheek slowly, wiping away her tears in the process.

"Don't worry, everything's fine. I'll protect you and our child."

"Pinky promise? "

I couldn't help but blush as she bit her lip and stared at me with those large eyes. Bringing up her small pinky, I hooked mine around hers and gave it a slight squeeze. Chuckling, I kissed her forehead as she turned red.

"Of course. I swear on my poor pinkys' life."

That night seemed years away now, the joy we had during these last 9 months disappeared. Memories blurred and fuzzed once I had tried so hard to remember them. I needed comfort to draw me away from the nerves I've been feeling.

Footsteps sounded through the long hallway, the shuffling of chairs were followed close by a tap to my shoulder.

Slowly looking up from my place on the floor, I saw Kasumi send me a pained smile. Tilting her head to the right, I followed the direction to see Dr. Pin, a doctor that Dr. Tofu had suggested we go to when the time had come, with a wooden clip board clasped in his hands.

"Relatives of Akane Saotome?" We all nodded. " We have an updated on her condition. "

Hey guys! I'm sorry if this chapter is terrible, or anything. I'm new to this, but I hope you guys are enjoying the story and plot so far and I'll tell you there will be a big surprise in the future!

So what do you think will happen to Akane?

How did you like the short scene from the past?

I hoped you liked it, there will be more to come!

Love all of you who stayed so far!


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