Chapter 6

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Ranma's POV

That incident happened an hour ago. Now here I am, sitting on the floor while waiting for anymore reports on her condition. Again.

Kasumi had went home just a few moments ago to make us some lunch. My stomach growled loudly at the thought of food. If only I could have some ramen. . .

Not just a second later, a loud boom could be heard from the far right. Screams and shouts echoing closer as the unknown source came toward our direction.

Standing up in a protective manner, I faced right just in time to feel something thin yet hard hit my face. The impact knocked me down , a loud groan coming from me.

"Nihao, Ranma," a high pitched voice called out from above, purplish blue hair coming into my line of sight.

"Shampoo bring ramen for Ranma," she grinned and hopped off her bike. With a large white box clasped tightly in her right hand, she crouched beside me.

"Shampoo, " I sighed and rested my head back, groaning once again. I couldn't handle her, not right now. Not with everything going on.

Before she could answer, another blast came from the wall to the right. Bits of cement brushed past us as a red umbrella flew forward. The black tip wedged itself fully into the wall right beside us. Red umbrella... it couldn't be . . .

"Where the heck am I now?!"

A blurry figure stood upon the bile of cement, a large map in his hands. The large brown backpack lay beside his feet.

"Ryoga," Nabiki asked in disbelief.

"Huh..Nabiki? Shampoo? Ranma? What are you guys doing here? Wait, where are we?"

Pig boy climbed down from all the ruble, his mouth turned down in a confused scowl.

"Listen pig boy, why don't you go away. I don't have time to deal with you."

Ryoga's face turned red at the nickname, his hands fisted tightly. The 5 o'clock stubble he had on his face made him look older and a lot more imitating. Yet I still see little P-chan chasing after Akane.

"Ryoga-honey," a voice called out from behind him, a female figure coming up beside him.

Ukyo stood there, spatula strapped securely to her back as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. The physical contact seemed to relax him, his shoulders slumping.


"Ranma-honey," she raised her eyebrow, her hands now on her hip.

"What are you two doin walking around town? Pig boy got you guys lost again," I smirked, hopping up until I was in a standing postion.

"What you doing here Spatula girl" Shampoo squealed, her eyes now glaring at the two.

"Well we were trying to find the Tendo house," Ukyo slapped the back of Ryoga's head." But this moron got us lost and we ended up walking all around Japan!"

"Babe, I didn't mean to get us lost!"

"Then maybe you should learn how to read a damn map!"

Watching as the 2 continued to throw insults back at one another, I turned toward Shampoo. Her short, shoulder length hair was pulled back in a tight bun. The same ol' outfit she'd wear still hung on her taller frame.

"Ranma be good boy, eat Shampoo's ramen," she nodded and set down the box in her hands. Reaching inside, she practically shoved the steaming bowl into my hands.

"Uh . . . Thanks Shampoo, but I don't know about -"

I stared down at the food, my mouth watering. It smelled so good. But I had promised Akane never to eat Shampoo's cooking ever again . . .

Taking the chopsticks that lay in Shampoo's hands, I quickly filled my mouth with the delicious noodles. My mouth let out a soft moan . . .

"I needed this," I whispered, not noting the happy grin on Shampoo's face.

"Ranma like?"

"Mhmm," I quickly nodded, digging I more.

That's when I had noticed that all the yelling had stopped, the couple now sit beside each other in the waiting room chairs. Hands interlocked, they just smiled and gently laughed as they did so. It was weird to see each of them like this, all . . . Lovey.

"Wait a minute, why are you guys in the hospital," Ukyo asked, finally notcing our surroundings. "Did Akane finally go into labor?"

Reality hit me hard. The pain once again engulfing me to the point where I was no longer hungry.

Setting down the bowl, I watched it was quickly eaten by a Pops. A delighted grin on his face made me want to slam him into the building. He shouldn't be happen when his daughter-in-law is in a coma!

"Yeah, um she did. But something went wrong during childbirth," I answered, looking toward the door Akane is now in.

"I'm so sorry, if there's anything we can-..."

Ryoga quickly got cut off by a loud scream, all heads spun toward Akane's room. The doctor's voices quickly followed, the panic in their voices making me tense up.

Ready to charge into the room, I reached out toward the handle until it was thrown the opposite direction. A small figure crashed into mine, arms coming around my back in a tight embrace.

Shocked made me freeze, the whole room watching with tense shoulders. Small gasps could be heard from behind me, but I was to lost in my confusion to go take any notice of it.

Looking down at the small body, all I saw was dark blue hair, the face hidden in my chest. The person's shoulders quickly rose and fell as the sobs came harder. She was shaking, her head moving from side to side. Her appearance made me jolt back once. It couldn't be . . .

"R...Ranma...," she whispered out, turning to look up at me with tears running down her face.



Hey everybody!

She's finally awake!!! I'm so happy to be writing this chapter, and please no hate because of the beginning. It was hard to introduce the characters personalities, because I didn't make them up!

And how did you like Ukga (Ryoga + Ukyo)? I just have always shipped them together!

Well, new updates on the next chapter later! Thanks so much for reading through my story!


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