Chapter 9

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Ranma's POV

I was back here. Again.

My heart pounding out of my chest, I moved across the floor. My feet feeling like they were making a trail in the floor, I stopped and stared at Akane's for once more.

An image of a few hours ago popped into my head, her skin just a healthier then before. Her chest rose and slow fell, the heart monitor seeming perfectly fine.

Everybody else was waiting outside, claiming that they couldn't bear to see her once more in this bed. And truthfully, I felt the same, maybe even more. It hurt to see her in pain, even though I will not admit it to anybody else.

The family and I had decided to use the name Akane originally wanted when we thought we were having one child, and I got to pick the other. What we came up with made me swell with pride.

Masaaki and Mansanori.

True Brightness and True Justice. It seemed fitting by the way they sorta behaved. Masaaki would give us a small grin when he first opened his eyes in my arms, Mansanori keeping quiet.

I continued to stare ahead at Akane, my body feeling like it could produce no more tears. Fisted and beside me, I could practically feel the whiteness of my knuckles, though it's impossible.

"What's wrong with my wife," I grunted out, not bothering to glance up. I knew who it was.

"I... I don't think it would be wise. see, Mrs.Saotome seemed like she would have wanted to-..."

"Wanted to what?"

"Wanted to tell you herself, right when she came back from testing. "

A growl ripped through my throat.

"Well she didn't and look what condition she's in now!"

My outburst seemed to silence Dr.Pin, his eyes looking out the opened window to the left of us. The quietness slowly seed to drain me of anger, of emotion.

"...Mrs.Saotome was maybe 6 months in when we noticed a slight change in the womb. We had sent a letter that following day . . ."

4 months. 4 months and this is the first I am hearing of this damn letter , of her condition! The thought made my blood boil.

". . . She came in here a few days later and says she would like to go through with the birth, even knowing her conditions. She knew this was bound to happen. It was either this . . . Or an abortion."

My thoughts wondered to Akane and the following past months. Her attuide had seemed to change all of a sudden, her fear of birth slowly started to show in her 8 month. She always looked worried and stressed. Her eyes seemed to not hold as much gleam as it once did in her pregnancy.

". . . The best part about this, is she's cured from this diease. Well, not primarily cured, be we've found out how to control it using antibiotics and medicine. "

"Why couldn't you just give it to her once you knew?!"

"Because she was with child! It would have become more of a health risk for them, even more then what diease she had at the time. Plus , we had just came up with new antibiotics after taking some test, seeing as the pills never worked on other patients."

He lapsed into silence once again, his eyes now fierce with sadness and determination. The wimp he was before was now gone as he got out a few bags from the cabinet by the bed she lay on.

"She will need to take 2 of these at least 2 times a day, preferably once in the morning and once before bed."

The bag was placed in my hands. It wasn't cold, but I was. The pain and betrayal of this whole agenda.

No longer wishing to be in the same room with her, I rushed out to the waiting room. Heads snapped up as I pounder up to them.

"Did any of you knew about it ? "

My family glanced at one another, guilt ridden clearly on each of their faces. That was my answer. The gestures just made me more angry, my fist colliding with the nearest object.

The wall now had a large whole on it, Kasumi trying hard to calm me down while others just held tears in their eyes. The only ones who seemed rather confused were my 2 friends who stand by the wall, Ukyo seeming to have disappeared.

"What? What's wrong with her," Ryoga yelled, looking to each one of us.

"What happen to Akane?"

It felt like a punch in the gut hearing her name. My eyes only saw red as my family continued to try and reason with me.

"What about me, huh?! Don't you think I have the right to be let in on all of this?! Especially if my wife and kids were in danger! "

"Ranma, please understand! We-..."

"Shut up! All of you."

The loud feminine voice boomed from down the hall, the twins in her arms. They looked at her with curiosity.

"Ranma, she didn't tell any of your family the true reason why she chose to not tell you," Ukyo slowly made her way up to me."Wouldn't you think she'd tell the best friend?"

"Then tell me Ukyo, why didn't she tell me?"

My voice was lighter, weaker then before. I was all worn out. From the crying, to the screaming . . . As much as I love to scream, I was tired.

"She knew you," Ukyo nodded toward me. "would freak about her condition and make her take the antibiotics, or have an abortion due to the fact you couldn't lose Akane."

I was silent. Because I knew every line she said was true. I couldn't live without her, something I felt many times, but now I've finally reveled with it. For the 2nd time.

"So, instead of telling you, she went to me to spill her guts. Believe me, she felt guilty for not telling you, but she loved her unborn children to much to let you put her life before theirs. Each and every appointment we'd went to between ultrasounds, she kept wanting to tell you."

Her voice cracked, the twins crying out at her sudden change of attitude. W
Quickly, she rushed over and gently handed them over to my sister-in-laws. Her eyes watered at the mention of it.

"I'm sorry. . . But we thought it was for the best-..."

"R..Ranma? Ukyo," a hoarse voice whispered, all heads turning.

Akan stood there in her hospital gown, her hands rubbing her eyes as she stretched. My eyes flickered toward her exposed skin, my mind starting to go else where.

"He knows, Akane. The doctor seemed to have informed him."

Akane, finally understanding what was going on, turned pale. Her eyes stared at me as she walked towards me.

"I'm sorry, I ... I was going to tell you, but"

Her voice cracked and seemed to dissappear in a whisper, tears slowly coming down her face. Pain and guilt once again hit me, reasons for why, I didn't know myself.

"Shhh, baby. It's alright, it's fine," I found myself soothing her, pulling her tightly against me. "Let's go see how much longer you have to stay. Ok?"

She sniffles and nodded, letting me led her toward her hospital room once more.

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