Chapter 11

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"... Let me get this straight," I mumbled out, my hand clenched in a tight fist. "You called us in a panic, blabbing on and on about a baby, a hospital, and your fiancee. When we do make it. . . It's because you don't have balls to take the news?!?!"

Ryoga, who was pacing the floor, glared at me. His hands were placed on each side of his head. I knew that stance, because I was doing that stance many, many times before.

"Twins man! I might be having twins! Who in there right minds would want-"

He glanced up at me, frozen in place.

"N..No offen-"

With a yell, I kicked him side ways, causing him to be glued to the wall in a big crater. His groan of pain pleased me.

"Daddy, daddy!!"

"Mama and Auntiw Ukyo wants youu!"

The twins walked toward me from the doorway, their stance still not right. They at least tripped a few times before getting over to me.

Forgetting Ryoga for a moment, I crouched down and engulfed them in a hug. Picking them up so each of them were in one arm, we hears a groan come from behind us.

Ryoga was now face first on the ground in an uncomfortable position. Seeing him like that was probably what made the twins scream.

" hw dwad!?" (Is he dead?!)

"Unclw Ryogi!!"

Sighing due to their worried screams, I walked over to him. Sticking out my foot, I kicked his head.

"Hey P-chan, you dead yet?"

I kicked him once more before he slightly moved his hand. Another moment passed before he jumped up, a large bump on his head.

"Wh . . . who yo callin P-chan?!"

"Wow, you really are angry , huh?"

His face bright red, he clenched his fist by his side. Holding the twins closer to me, I smiled sheepishly, knowing he'd never try anything with them near me or in my arms.

"Just you wait , Ranma."

"Boys," Akane yelled from the doorway, her hands on her hips. "Can you please stop fighting in the hospital and get your asses in here?"

We followed her inside, the twins clapping happily. She grinned and kissed their cheeks as we walked, Ryoga trying to stay back.

A doctor stood near the bed where Ukyo lay, a transducer thingy on her bear, swollen belly. She was at least 4 months into her pregnancy, her belly bulging bigger than the last time we've seen her. Her hair seemed longer, but as pulled back in a ponytail.

"Hey guys," she mumbled, her mouth forming a rueful smile. "Did you really call them?"

Her hands were resting on the bed, Ryoga slowly coming up and taking hold of it, sitting down on a chair beside it.

"What was I suppose to do? I was worried," he mumbled, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

She laughed weakly, her eyes flashing over to us. Her eyes were bright with tears, of joy or worry, I didn't know. But the scene here, I never thought I'd see this happen.

Feeling a small tap on my shoulder, I looked down at Akane, her arms reaching out to grab Mansanori from my arm. His hands reaching out to her, I watched as he propped himself against her shoulder, playing with her long hair.

"Are you ready to find out the gender of your baby," The doctor questioned, a bright smile on his face.

They both nodded, sweat rolling off of ryoga in buckets as the faced the small monitor. Turning on the screen, the doctor slowly started to roll large white device on her stomach, Ukyo laughing slightly.

I knew what she was doing. She would usually scream or laugh wen she's nervous or frightened, her eyes shutting to not see the worse. I stared at her, trying to get her to look at me and reassure her wit my eyes that everything was going to be alright, grow some balls.

"Here We go," the doctor chuckled. "There the little one is!"

We all tensed as a blurry form of a fetus showed on the monitor.

" . . .Congratulations, you are having a girl."

Ukyo made a weird noise, her head buried in the pillow. I could soorta make out her shoulders shaking up and down, her hands covering her face.

"Ukyo? Babe? Whats wrong?"

"N . . . nothing, I'm just so so happy," she lowered her hands, tears of joy slipping down her face.

"Hold on . . . What the-"

"What," Ryoga grabbed the doctor's shoulder, his eyes wild and worried." What's wrong with our baby?"

"Nothing is wrong, it's just . . . "

"Just . . .?"

Akane stepped up, her eyes flickering to Ukyo. Ukyo, frozen on the bed, stared at the screen. She didn't know how to react, she was probably worried something was going to happen.

"Congratulations, you both are having triplets!"

The one word was like a shock wave the rippled around the room, all of s freezing where we were. The only one's who didn't seem effected were Mansanori and Masaaki, who were bouncing and smiling.

"T . . . triplets," Ryoga choked out, his eyes wide open like saucers. "Can you . . . Can you check one more time? Maybe you made a mistake."

"No, I did not. Do you see those legs inn the back round and the limb right there? They're all from 3 separate babies."

"You might've made a mistake!"

"Mr. Hibiki, are you doubting my observations?"

"N . . . No, it's just . . . ."

Snapping out of the trance, I slowly made my way up t the hospital bed, Ukyo still frozen, looking off into space. Her unoccupied hand was on her stomach.

"Ukyo? Are you alright?"

"Y . . . yeah, I think so. Just surprised, is all."

Loud thump was heard, both of us looking over to find Ryoga laying unmoving on the ground, the doctor checking his pulse.

"Hes just fainted," Akane sighed, setting down Mansanori on the bed with Ukyo.

"How do you know?"

"Because my idiot of a husband did the same thing when he found out we were having twins."

"Idiot," I raised an eyebrow.

"It's true," she shrugged, leaning up to kiss my cheek. " But you're my idiot."

Smiling, I kissed her lips once, forgetting about anything else for that moment.

This was only the beginning.


Hey everybody!

I'm so so so sorry for the late updates and about how terrible this chapter is!

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