Chapter 7

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Akane's POV

The first thing I saw was a man hovering over my face, bright lights blinding me when I tried to look somewhere else. Then came the pain. It was unbearable, my lower abdomen felt like it had exploded.

I'm scared. Where am I? Who are you people?

Hands grasped and prodded my body, some going up the cloth that covered my body. The actions caused me to cringe back, my mouth opening to let out a scream. The sound made everybody else stop for just a moment. After that one, peaceful moment, everybody crowded around the bed I laid in.

"Sir, she's awake!"

"Mrs. Saotome? Ma'am, can you please-..."

"Can you hear us? Does anything hurt?"

More questions rushed out of everybody's mouth, more hands covering my body. Each hand that touched me made me want to cry, made me want to scream. I just wanted to be somewhere else... anywhere else.

Jumping off the bed, the sudden action caused everybody to back away. With no one else blocking my way, I charged to the door that I hoped led outside. My body whined and sent sharp jolts of pains with every step I took, but I didn't stop. Ranma. . . Where was that moron?

Throwing open the door, I step out and crashed into a familiar broad chest. I glanced up once to see my husband's face looking straight ahead. My arms quickly wrapped around him, crushing my small, fragile body against his.My face buried itself against his shirt, something wet brushing against my cheeks.

My tears. The realization of that fact just made me cry even harder, my body quivering in fear. Shoulders shaking with every ragged breath I took, I slowly glanced at his shell-shocked face. My lips whispered his name before I fully slumped into his arms that now surrounded me.

"Akane... oh god, Akane," he whispered over and over again, his arms lifting me up so I was several feet off the ground.

My body relaxed as he embraced me, his face buried in my hair. Soft kisses pressed against my forehead and cheeks, more tears crawling down my face. I was in his arms, I was safe . . .

"She's alive," I heard Nabiki yell, cheers and shouts coming from behind Ranma's body.

Surprise hit me as I was placed on the ground. Slowly walking out, I was faced with family and friends who came rushing to me. Arms lifted me up and crushed me into a bone-crushing hugs. A choked laugh escaped me as I let everybody, glad that there were familiar faces here.

Once I was passed around, I was carried over to a large chair. Ranma sat beside me, his hand holding mine tightly like he thought he'd disappear if he ever let go. My eyes took in the pale white halls, the hunched over sick citizens in other chairs like the one I sit in.

"Are we in a hospital," I faced Ranma.

He nodded slowly, his dark blue eyes clouding over with heavy emotions I couldn't read. That was when I finally took a good look at him. Bags hung under his eyes, the tone of his skin a shade lighter then it should be. Worry lines creased across his forehead,

"Yeah.. you had went into labor 12 hours ago. . ."

Labor. Pregnancy. My baby. The note.

Thoughts raced through my head as I panicked, my hand gripping onto his almost to painfully. My head wrapped around everything I've been told months before. they had warned me, they had said I could've had. . .

"Where is my baby? What happened? Is everything alright? Please, what happened to my baby?"

I searched from face to face for any hint of emotion. Each of my family members looked down, our friends glancing at one another in confusion. my abdomen started to throb once again, my hand slowly coming up to gently touch the area. All the nurses and doctors had left except one, whose name was Dr. Pin.

"Mrs. Saotome, you're twin boys are healthy and okay," I relaxed slightly, my hand loosening its grip on Ranma's. " . . . But you, we can not say the same. We need you to go through a few more tests to see your condition and then we'll start discussing about plans for you too be released."

I knew this would happen, It was the price I paid for having my boys. Twins. Tears formed in my eyes, my throat hitching as I nodded in agreement. I just wondered how much Ranma knew about the note, or about what was going on with me.

Standing up slowly, a small tug from my hand made me look down slightly. Ranma looked up at me with a deep frown, his head shaking in dismay. I offered him a small smile before letting go of his hand.

"I'll be alright. I love you, you jerk," I whispered.

"I love you too," he smirked while sending me a quick wink.

Laughing softly, I walked back into the room from before. A few nurses followed the doctor and me into the large room. Each one bowing lowly before leading me to the bed i once laid in.

"Alright Mrs. Saotome, we'll perform some quick tests and collect some of your blood to make sure everything is going smoothly."

I nodded and let them take a few samples of my blood, my eyes watching closely as they tried hard to get me to talk, which I only replied with one word answers.



" my husband know anything else about my condition?"

The doctor paused and looked up from his clipboard, his jaw clenched tightly. Placing down the documents on the nearest table, he slowly came and sat in the chair beside my bed.

"Mrs. Saotome, did you not inform him on what's been going on with your . . ."

Sudden tears started to form in my eyes, my head bowing down in shame. He had the right to know, he should know. But I just couldn't tell him, he'd be worried. maybe he'd even think about . . .

"Mrs. Saotome is it alright if I offer my own advice . . . as a father," he questioned, leaning in closer to make sure that none of the nurses could hear. " If i were you're husband, I would like to know of what's going on. Especially if it could but your health and your child's health in risk."

My mind reeled as he got up to leave, the others slowly following once they were done with all the collecting and tests. I was grateful for the peace, it gave me time to think about what had happened and what I was going to do.

Hours seemed to tick by before Kasumi opened the door, a worried frown on her face. She looked different . . . more disheveled and worn out then when I had last seen her a few days ago.

"Akane dear, would you like to visit your boys," she looked at her hopefully.

"Um . . . yes, of course."

I've made my decision I whispered as I slowly made my way over to the door. I was going to tell him, tell him everything.


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the late update, I was going to post this morning but I was so caught up in something else. It's my birthday! Yeah! I'm finally a teen!!

And finally!! I could make a POV in Akane's view! What's the huge secret she's been keeping? And are you finally ready to learn the twin's names and finally meet them up close?!

*Smiles and does a happy, terrible dance* 

No judging! I can't dance!

Oh well. Thank you so much for reading on, I love you alll!



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