FoolHalo - Secrets

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Foolish x Badboyhalo anyone? also highschool au 


Badboyhalo POV- 

I was calmly sitting on my bed, watching some videos from my recommended. 
I was kinda bored, but other than that it wasn't the worst night. Me and Skeppy may have had a little fight, but it would be cleared up tomorrow... right?

I was almost finished, when i heard a small knock on my window.
I looked into the clear medium, to see a certain totem obsessed man staring back at me. 
He was perched up onto my window seal, knocking almost silently to get my attention. I realized the window was locked, as i slowly got up from my position on the bed. 

I unlock the window, opening it. 
He steps into my room, giving me a small hug while i close it. I re-lock the window, turning back around. 


What are you doing here?

I heard you and Skeppy had a fight, so i wanted to check on you

That's very kind, but i am fine. 

You sure?

Mhm, anyways... why didn't you use the door. 

Your Dad is scary..

Yah he is. 

Anyways, wanna come to my house?

Why would i do that?

Cuz, its Friday. And i don't wanna be alone this weekend...

Fine. But we are using the front door.



I step away from the brown haired man.
I walk to my closet, grabbing stuff i might need. I close to black bag, turning back to Foolish. I give him a quick smile, and we walk out the door. 

I tell my dad i'm leaving, getting a small grunt as a response. 
We step into the cold night, shivering as we walk onto the sidewalk. Foolish lives quite close to me, so there is no point in driving. 

We walk, talking about random things.
We stop as we come across a big two story house. We walk up to the oak door, Foolish unlocking it with a silver key. 

We step inside, feeling the warmth of the building. 
We set down our stuff, and walk up the stairs. We walk into a large room with a bed, couch, tv, and mini-fridge.

We sit down on the bed. 
Foolish turns on the TV as we watch it. We promised ourselves we would stay up as late as we could. Lets see how that goes. 

Foolish POV- 

It had been three hours since Bad first arrived, and now he was asleep.
He was resting his head on my shoulder, making me blush. I continue to watch the TV, until i feel my eyes get heavy. 

I slowly get up, careful to not wake the sleeping brunette.
I move him onto a pillow, sitting next to him. I lay down, feeling the warmth of the boy beside me. 

I was about to fall asleep, as i felt Bad turn.
He was now cuddled into my chest, making my blush.. hard. I always wanted to date him, ever since i first met him!

It was obvious him and Skeppy were close, but they fight so much.
I always try my best to comfort him after those quarrels. It usually works, but not always. Im just hoping he wasn't lying when he said he was fine.....

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