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No one POV

The coldness of the floor wakes Chaeyoung up, her eyes open slowly. Supporting herself with both hands. Her eyes dilate, adjusting themselves to the darkness around, she turns her head to scan the surrounding.

Barely making out the structure of the place, she realizes that there's no more makeshift bed, table, even the blinking light in the corner disappear. 

This is a whole new room.

She spots a dim light coming through an opening, it's the door to the outside. She stands up and walks to it, her hand reaches for the handle.

It's worth a try.

Just when the tip of her fingers touches the handle, the door swings open. She falls in shock. Standing there, a figure covering the source of light, a silhouette of a man with a hoodie.

"You're awake, is the floor too cold?"

The man squats down to her level, grabbing Chaeyoung's chin gently.

"Even your eyes glow in the dark... Gorgeous..."

He moves his hand down to her neck, grasping it near to choking. She tries her best not to let out a single tear like before. I can't let this monster think that I'm weak.

"If it weren't for your boyfriend, you wouldn't even have the strength to stand up."

Chaeyoung startles at the word said by him. She wants to ask but she knows it will not take her anywhere to her answer. Though, it feels like he can read her mind.

"Yes, I just need your boyfriend to see you suffer."

He takes out a candle from his pocket and light it on fire.

"Tonight, hopefully,  you can meet him."

He chuckles and leaves the room with a light candle, locking the door from outside.







I woke up hearing my name being called faintly... Her voice... She sounded broken and petrified. I have to find her.

Jay: Got a nice sleep, mate?

I sat up on the sofa and turned to see Jay, sipping on his coffee. Why is he so relaxed? There's a girl out there, vulnerable and hurt, kidnapped by some freak and he's here enjoying his coffee like nothing's wrong.

Jay: Want some co-

Y/n: How long was I out for?

Jay: 6 hours, why?

Y/n: Fuck! 

I quickly grabbed my jacket on the arm of the sofa and headed for the door.

Jay: Where are you going?

I stopped.

Y/n: Where am I going? Are you seriously going to ask me that? Look at the time, Jay! I wasted my time! If I hadn't slept, I would've gotten a clue to where they keep Chaeyoung!

Jay: Calm down, Y/n.

Y/n: Calm down, huh, easy for you to say. And why the hell are you so relaxed in this situation?!

Jay: Because we got the lead.

My mouth dropped when he said that.

Y/n: L-lead, you mean we do have a clue on who's behind all these?

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